get ready for some psuedobull. on the whole, pretty much everyone here has great taste
>>28808842Your preference of upright Pokemon suggests that you often stand up for yourself.
>>28808885You have a nurturing and kindred spirit, but you're not easy to manipulate.
>>28808945Two things jump out- a penchant for water and psychic types. You're probably pretty cool and level headed.
>>28808955You are probably a very kind and giving person. Your appreciation of NFEs would be the ideal demeanor as a Pokemon Breeder.
>>28808999You hold things to a high standard and appreciate beauty and grace.
>>28809040You're sharp yet cool.
>>28809043You have an eclectic taste of Pokemon, but it leans towards the rough and rugged side.
>>28809079You're a hard hitter and have a forceful personality (most of your Pokemon are powerful)
>>28809113You're down to earth and laid-back.
>>28809191You value strength and have high expectations of others.
>>28809227You value loyalty among your relationships and are yourself a loyal individual.
>>28809280You are stern, serious, individualistic, and dedicated.
>>28809371You're seeking intimacy and comfort in your life. You're drawn to others whom are commonly underappreciated.
>>28809396Tough exterior, but a softie inside. Just like Sneasel.
>>28809730You're drawn to simplicity. You tend not to overthink things.
>>28810054You have a diversity of interests and can see the good in most things.
>>28810068You value getting things done and have an assertive personality.
>>28810183You champion the underdogs and underappreciated. You can extend your love to most things.
>>28810237You're an emotional, sensitive person.
>>28810239You are hardworking, determined, and passionate.
>>28810268You have a complex personality and are constantly lost in thoughts about things.
>>28810334It takes a lot to bring you down. You're hardy and resilient.
>>28810341You can see beauty in things where others don't usually do.