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What's your opinion on megas?

I don't really hate them, but from a lore standpoint they don't fit Pokemon. I've always seen pokemon evolution as "growing up", instead of some magical transformation. This temporary evolution bullshit makes these creatures feel less natural.

That whole thing about megaevolution only being possible "if the pokemon has a strong bond with its trainer" is a complete digimon ripoff and isn't even true in the games. You can literally hatch a level 1 Mawile and megaevolve it right away using the stone. Why didn't they force you to increase its friendship or something?

The story is also full of plot holes. Mewtwo is an artificial pokemon. Why does it have a megastone? And why doesn't it work with Mew, if that's your explanation? And why the fuck is there an ancient, giant statue of Mega-Lucario in Kalos if supposedly nobody knew about megaevolution until recently?

From a gameplay standpoint, it's a complete failure too. It was supposed to make old shitmons viable, but:

-Most of the shitmons that got megas are still garbage. And now they can't use items.

-A lot of megaevolutions were given to GOOD pokemon to make them more OP, making my favorite shitmons even more unusable online.

-There are still tons of horrible pokemon that didn't get megas, while the most broken OU pokemon and LEGENDARIES got one (or two).

But the thing I hate the most is this:

A few shitmons became good thanks to their megaevolutions, but at what price? These pokemon were SHIT. Megaevolutions made them decent without giving them ugly permanent evolutions. That's good. Now they are on equal footing with the good pokemon... Right?

No. They can't hold items. You can't evolve more than 1 pokemon per battle. If you want to use two shitmons you love, one of them will remain shit while the other megaevolves. Mega-shitmons are supposed to be on equal footing with strong pokemon, but the strong pokemon don't have these restrictions. And most of them can mega evolve too.