>>29578424So i found myself with a frozen priest and a dead wife. I wanted to expand my collection so I went to the doctor, he told me I had erectile disfunction and gave me some pills to try out. So like I heard someone say that if you had an erection for more than 4 hours to go to the hospital. But I had bigger plans for my iron shaft. I started to make clay figurines of Serena with my enlarged member. The sides of my shaft were perfect to get the curves that I needed in the clay. I soon was selling this shit in an auction house.
So now I had a dead priest a dead wife and a dead doctor. It wasn't all that bad really, I had all the bodies I would need to summon the Worm King. So like any sane person I went to the Arcane University in the imperial city. Of course this was back when necromancy wasn't shunned on, and so I found myself a bunch of scholars who knew there shit.
So like now I have a dead priest a dead wife a dead doctor and a bunch of ugly bosmer faggits in my freezer.