>>30278301no triple/rotation (critical flaw that cripples the entire game)
objectively less battle opportunities: tree is a shittier maison, no institute, BR is considered fun by the same morons who though contests were good
shit customization, hope you like t-shirts, wifebeaters and shorts because that's literally all you get
shit pokemon
shit story, horrible pacing in campaign, nothing is explained, not that anything had any depth in the first place, nothing that happens in the story has any effect on anything
shitty fucking shonen pandering with garbage like regressing back to a 11-year old MC, cringe-moves, reddit pokedex wasting the bottom screen with his annoying fucking face
cringe characters like the professor with his WOO shit
shitty region, trial bullshit with the unga bunga tribal crap yet they feel like some tourist events, very vapid and shallow region overall
music is just doing the super mario world gimmick of reusing the same melody constantly (per island), the same music is used for almost everywhere on the 3rd island
ride pokemon system is very pointless, outside of the early rocks and water stuff, there are basically NO removable obstacles for them, the horse is utterly pointless since you get it before you encounter rocky ground, having to use stoutland as itemfinder is unbelievably tiresome
join avenue and pelago are tiresome wait-to-win phone app crap
repeating XY's biggest fuckup in delaying the bank for months, not that you'd want to migrate anything to a shit region without triples anyway
does not tie up any loose ends from before, zygarde is handled with the same shitty way everything else in the story: introduced with no explanation and then forgotten as quickly; only opens up more loose ends, invokes chris carter syndrome so nobody will give a fuck about the "deepest lore" since everyone knows they won't ever explain or expand on anything
Unmitigated disaster