[218 / 31 / ?]

346KiB, 1024x883, pokemon_tapu___psychic_fairy_by_devildman-dallp4p.png
Quoted By: >>30858094 >>30858116 >>30858373 >>30858555 >>30858954 >>30859647 >>30860114 >>30860343 >>30860345 >>30860459 >>30860478 >>30860486 >>30861280 >>30861321 >>30861406 >>30861719 >>30865414
>Enemy has a fairy on his team
Welp I guess I'm just not allowed to use my dragon type and his very existence is now invalidated
Fuck this fairy meta I'm done with competitive battling. This shit is worse than the weather war meta.
Welp I guess I'm just not allowed to use my dragon type and his very existence is now invalidated
Fuck this fairy meta I'm done with competitive battling. This shit is worse than the weather war meta.