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No.31702260 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I grant you mercy for thy attention. I am hither to address a very serious problem with the Pokémon community. lest I vomit, I profess that I am completely repulsed by the sheer amount of furfaggotry that exists. I has't a young daughter who is fond of Pokémon and as a father it maketh me depress'd that one day the lady wilt cometh across disgusting, sexualised images of Pokémon. My greatest fear is that my young maiden wilt succumb to furfaggotry and engage in abominable roleplay with autists on /trash/. Thou art all the censure for this widespread phenomena. What, pray telleth, causes a person to becometh sexually attracted to fictional creatures from a children's franchise?
Shame on thee! Wherefore don't thou bethink of the children? if 't be true that thou art a furry, ye should be ashamed of yourself and seek professional guidance for thy mental illness. I wilt not alloweth thou wicked and depraved scoundrels to corrupt my daughter with such lewd depictions of Pokémon.