Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting, Befriending
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>31738887 A guide for newfrogs: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? pls go and stay go
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Deleter is in Hau'oli City. > Name Rater is in Heahea City. > The Nursey is on Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. > The Fishing Rod is given to the player by Lana after clearing her trial in Brooklet Hill. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is on Mount Hokulani. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > IV Guy is in your PC.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31754303 Hey there mind if I grab a HA Karrablast?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31754303 Can I take 4 things?
>>31754352 I don't know, do you have 4 derps?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31754366 Yep, do you need a lansat or starf berry?
>>31754370 No I do not.
It would also help immensely if you state what you want.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31754376 A dratini, qwilfish, any karrablast, and a female, overcoat jangmo-o, please.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31754343 Cool.
Putting up a level 1 female dewpider in nest ball for that HA Karrablast!
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>31754450 Those seeds and the bulb disappear after they are used, thank you.
I'm kind of new in the competitive scene, but at least I know how most mechanics work, and I've bred a full team before, even though it was shit. Now, I failed horribly in the alola friendly, but I'm looking forward to participate in the International Challenge... I just need to create a suitable team and practice a little. I'm aware of Pokemon Showdown, and I'll be using that to build my team, given they have a nice VGC 2017 ladder for me to practice in, the problem comes from team building. I have no idea how to get started with that. Any pointers to resources I can use to make a proper team?
>>31754919 No offence anon but
>>31733164 should be able to answer your questions a bit better and has resources in the OP
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>>31754928 Ah, thanks, I hadn't noticed that thread.
>>31755035 >Dream Ball Mudkip I didn't know the gen 3 starters could come in those, cool
>>31755060 1, 3 and 4 can.
>>31755060 They can come in all balls, excluding Gen 4 ones, but the event mons used to be male-only, so the ball didn't pass down when breeding in previous generations.
>>31755071 2 and 5 can as well as of SM.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>>31755035 If nobody trade you, I can trade you one in about 1 hour
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31755035 May I ask for a male ha hp grass cyndaquil? I can offer a 6iv, female, bold heavy ball mantyke with tailwind, mirror coat, haze, and amnesia
>>31755076 Not legal. 2 and 5 were never a Dream World event.
>>31755035 I wish I could help you but my 3DS suddenly can't go online anymore.
>>31755127 You can catch wild Gen 2 starters in SM and they were also available in different balls from COL. The Hidden Abilities were distributed over Bank a while ago.
Gen 5 starters are catchable in SM and their HAs were distributed via serialscodes.
Thanks to the new breeding mechanics you can legally obtain HA starters in fancy balls.
>>31755143 Not dream balls, which is what the conversation is about. Learn to read
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>>31755150 Jokes on you. I was just pretending to be retarded!
Amy 1220-6836-8617
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>>31755504 Trying to get all my HA DB pokemon up to 6IV and with decent natures, snorlax specifically right now.
How about you?
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
REQUEST Does anyone have a non-English Rowlet? Ideally good IVs, female would be great.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31755859 I can breed you a penta perfect Jolly German one. Do you have any of the other two starters with good IVs and egg moves?
Is this image still valid or has there been any changes?
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>>31755902 It's still accurate.
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
>>31755880 That's would be fantastic! I don't have the other starters well-bred. I can offer ExtremeSpeed HA Dratini that I can transfer up from AS or rebreed if you want the Alola marker. I'll take a look at my other old projects if that's not what you're looking for.
>>31755902 How do HAs play into this too?
Say i had a male HA pokeball vulpix and a regular vulpix in a dream ball, could the child have the HA and the dream ball?
Or if the parents genders were switched?
>>31755938 Do you have any mons I don't have yet? Especially the ones marked with ??, ?
>>31755035 Anonymous
>>31755939 Hidden Abilities can only be inherited by female Pokémon, except if you breed with Ditto, in which case any gender can pass down the HA.
>>31755964 So I could breed a HA female with a balltism male and it would work out?
>>31755973 If they're the same species, yes. But it's only a 50% chance to inherit the ball.
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>>31755978 Thanks, was somewhat confused by the new stuff this gen. I appreciate it
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>>31755973 >>31755978 I.E. Torchic + Torchic. Not Blaziken + Torchic
What about Everstone, I thought that bumped it to 80%? --- Why is Leafeon PU and Tsareena is UU? They're both walls with Synthesis and big physical defense.
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
>>31755955 Of the Alola mons marked with ??, I don't have any with good IVs yet. Just started breeding on Sun after completing the Dex.
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>>31755995 What about making a stupid questions thread?
>>31755995 Everstone is 100%.
Tsareena has better coverage options in Play Rough and HJK.
>>31756013 Just give me a shitmon then. Let me breed one for you real
quick.My FC is in my list.
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
>>31756026 Many, many thanks. I really appreciate the help. Post here when you've got one ready, I'll add your FC now.
>>31756026 Ah sorry I should have specified, not nature, but balls.
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>>31756040 I never heard of Everstones increasing the odds of passing down the ball.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31756038 Got your owl. Getting online now~
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31755245 Pls gib Heavy and Dream Mantine.
list: pls trade in general
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
>>31756249 >>31756275 Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31756305 No problem.
I assume you're going to MM? Good luck~
CaptainTim 4811-7203-8030
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>>31756316 Yup. Here goes nothing.
Anju 0147-2067-6579
Does anyone have a HA litwick I could have? I have 5 IV deerling to trade..
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31756259 I'll gladly get you those mantine. May I ask for a heavy meowth and a beast ball dratini? Sorry for the delay, i'm adding you now.
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>31756572 Male or female? I have some left from MMing
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>>31754282 >As a result of a nuzlocke end up using many pokemon I normally wouldn't give a second glance to. >Get Sandile >Mfw Krokorok's moveset Holy fuck, I need to start using this guy in my casual versus team. This moveset is up there with Miltank in terms of maximum asspain potential.
What's the best nature and offensive move for this troll ass motherfucker?
Falcon 431306141235 In game: Azure
Posted last night when things were kind of dead. I'm trying to get into the competitive scene and could really use a Jolly Kartana. I don't have too much to offer yet in return, but I've got: -A shiny Zekrom -Most of the event pokemon from the past year like Volcanion, Jirachi, Shaymin, etc -The regi four -Some other legends like Rayquaza, Lugia, Cobalion, Diancie -A timid Pheromosa -Any type of synchronize abra you want
Anju 0147-2067-6579
>>31756682 I would love a female if you can please
Falcon 431306141235 In game: Azure
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Or I could also really just use breeding leftovers from pokemon that are competitive in the vgc, like growlithes, wingulls, shelloses, etc.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>31756708 Sure!
Adding you now and I'll be on in a sec
>>31756700 With out sounding disrespectful, you're offering too much for a Kartana. I know it seems utilitarian to trade what you have for what you need, but you're offering will buy you that and more. I just want you to know that people around here will bite at such an uneven exchange and may even abuse the opportunity. It's hard to assess the value of mons, but shiny legendary is far less common than a mon you can get four of in game.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
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>>31756720 Cool, i'm online now too. What's your IGN?
>>31756581 Level Ball Houndour for Love Ball Mawile?
Anju 0147-2067-6579
>>31756764 Thank you! Impressive level hahah
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
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>>31756786 Sounds good to me. Let me trade Mela then i'll bank up those Pokemon from Saphire and i'll be ready to trade.
Amy 1220-6836-8617
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>>31756795 Haha, yeah that was a lot of bike riding.
It took forever for all 3 shones
Oh, I put the egg moves back onto it too. Please enjoy!
>>31756770 shut the fuck up you white knight beta.
>>31756720 Thanks for the trades!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31756700 e-excuse me? Yes, I'd like to have EVERYTHING you got for one Kartana, hehe, that's just how things work around here, kiddo.
>>31756851 >The only comparable trade is the Phermosa Anonymous
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>>31756869 didn't realize that was up to you, faggot. you can make an autistic post for the pastebin if you want though.
>>31756770 >people will abuse your goodwill! Show me when that has ever happened for you to be making such retarded statements.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31756786 What's your friend code?
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>>31756770 well shiny zekrom is completely worthless to a competitive player, that's his mindset.
>>31756923 >Sara wouldn't just inject a jolly Kartana and trade it for the shiny Zekrom. Rogi 2337-5633-6311
>>31756927 Whenever you're ready.
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>>31756945 Sarah's a lazy bitch and can't handle the new GTS, but I'll post this anyway for your sake.
>>31756951 Alright, i'm getting online now
>>31756980 Is it intimidate?
Will 1392-6355-1203
Looking for someone to help me evolve my seadra (english language pls, friend). In return I'll give you one of three shinys I picked up on on my last run: -Cubone -Gumshoos -A-Raticate reply with your preference
>>31756993 It is, but it's male. I don't have female with intimidate. Is that alright by you?
>>31757006 If it is YOUR Seadra, you could easily rename it to whatever you want.
>>31757016 That's cool, trade on.
Will 1392-6355-1203
>>31757028 traded up from omega ruby, this is quicker than rebreeding.
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>>31757006 That cosplay looks like shit.
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>>31757030 Enjoy mawile, thanks for the Houndour!
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>>31757048 Not nicknaming everything makes you a bad trainer.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>31757006 That cosplay could have turned out a lot worse.
What's left to do if you have all the stamps?
>>31757146 There's a secret 16th stamp you get for achieving a 1000+ streak on the tree without using Megas, Z-Moves or Durant.
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>>31757160 Only 1000? Arent you forgetting about the 9999 Streak stamp?
>>31756700 Ya still need it bud?
Tsuki / FC: Rise - 3325 - 3422 - 9180
Now that it's finally possible, would anyone mind trading me a Mawile? It's my favorite pokemon.
>>31757422 Are you offering or begging?
Tsuki / FC: Rise - 3325 - 3422 - 9180
>>31757433 Begging obviously.
Falcon 431306141235 In game: Azure
>>31757292 Yup, still need it.
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>>31757446 Then kindly fuck off
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
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>>31757446 I've got you, but look through pastebins so you can better direct your begging.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31757459 I can trade you a mawile, add me. I don't expect anything for it, but do you have anything to offer?
Falcon 431306141235 In game: Azure
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>>31757610 Think you just replied to the wrong guy.
Tsuki / FC: Rise - 3325 - 3422 - 9180
>>31757610 Assuming you're talking to me. I can give you my Munchlax in return for example.
Anybody got a spare Adamant Kartana?
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
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>>31757648 Keep your event munchlax I can trade you the mawile.
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>>31757777 Noice. What you want for it pham
Falcon 431306141235 In game: Azure
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>>31757777 ...I don't suppose you have two?
Anyone have a Meloetta they want to trade?
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>>31757964 no, you should have gotten it last year like the rest of us
>>31755035 What would you like for the ha hidden power starters? I'd like both a hp grass Cyndaquil and a hp fire bulbasaur.
Erin [IGN Galatea] - [0860 - 4425 - 8747]
Erin [IGN Galatea] - [0860 - 4425 - 8747] Sun 12 Feb 2017 19:51:39 No. 31758199 Report Anonymous
What does serebii mean by "fish special" Is it just the bubbles which are sometimes at the fishing spots?
Erin [IGN Galatea] - [0860 - 4425 - 8747]
Erin [IGN Galatea] - [0860 - 4425 - 8747] Sun 12 Feb 2017 20:06:31 No. 31758329 Report Quoted By:
Well if anyone has a Meloetta they want to trade, my shiny level 100 Charizard is up on GTS.
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>>31758419 Are you retarded? You can't trade mythical Pokemon on the GTS. And no one wants your hacked shiny Charizard.
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
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>TFW you didn't finish oras and you see wallace's outfit
So, I'm really tempted to breed for a shiny vespiquen. Am I retarded? And how hard would it be to get a 5 IV, non english combee here?
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31755122 I am so sorry. I didn't see your message. Does the Mantyke have its HA?
>>31758118 Depends on what gender you want. Females are worth more if the gender ratio is this terrible, of course. What can you offer?
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>>31758877 It's been done before.
It's now easier than ever.
And not very.
Luke 3969-6216-1477
>>31758887 I'm both posters, sorry my mantyke don't have their ha, they are all in heavy balls so I don't believe they legally can.
>>31755245 I'm not sure if anything on my list interests you, but they mantyke is still an offer if you'd like it.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31758887 Also i'm ok with those starters being male
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>>31758199 Hey there, we made deal quite a while ago to trade DBHA Scraggy and Drilbur for your Safari HA Gligar and DBHA Taillow ? Still want them ?
Hey guys, I'm injecting RIGHT NOW how mad are you? lol!
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31758981 >>31759019 They can. Just breed a male Mantine in Heavy Ball with a HA Mantine in any ball. It's a 50% chance it'll pass down the ball and a 60% chance to pass down the ability of the female one.
I'd like 3 mons in return for two HA HP males, if that's ok for you. Male Pokémon in fancy balls are ok too, as long as they're penta perfect. I can just breed them up to HAFs myself.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31759070 You can have what you like from my list. I know those gender ratios are a monster so you can gladly have 3. Did you see anything you wanted?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>31758877 >yfw you get a shiny coombee >its male Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759112 To be honest,
I stopped reading midway through because textlists a shit. Just chuck any three penta perfect HAFs or males in balls I don't have yet my way.
I'll start breeding in a sec.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31759210 Don't you fucking remind me.
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>>31759210 That's what I'm afraid of, it happening like 10 times in a row.
But think of how cool and popular I'll be when people see my shiny vespiquen
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>>31759233 rich text > bloated google doc exports > bloated google doc sheets
Do you really want to trade with the sort of people that need pictures to absorb information?
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31759233 Ok thanks. Does moon ball Eevee, heavy ball Mantyke, and friend ball larvitar work for you?
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759309 Sounds perfect.
Do you want them nicknamed?
Alex 0130-2087-4822
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31759356 That sounds awesome, could you please? Can you name the cyndaquil "Yellowstone"? The bulbasaur doesn't need to be nicknamed. Thank you for the suggestion.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759511 Will do~
I'll let you know once I have both.
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>>31759534 Cool, thank you
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Is replaying Heart Gold a valid way to satisfy balltism?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31759685 If i can get you a love ball HA female vulpix could i get a Loveball eevee (preferably female)
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31759831 Im sorry, I have one of those already.
Anything else?
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759511 Got your mons. Adding you now and getting online. Are you sure you don't want the Bulba nicknamed too?
>>31759855 I have a 6 IV male froakie or a 5 IV female froakie (missing SP.Def) both in dive balls.
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>>31759884 forgot to mention, they have HA
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31759865 I don't know what to nickname it. Do you have any thoughts? I'm getting online momentarily.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>31759884 Go ahead and list the things you have! Maybe 3 or more.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759917 I'd name it after a poisonous plant with pink petals. I named my own Venu Oleander. Super creative, I know.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31759954 I like it, if you don't mind me borrowing the name you can nickname it that.
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31759977 Alright, everyone nicknamed. Getting online now. Is your ingame name Luke as well?
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>>31760003 Yes it is. I'm online ready to trade when you are
>>31760003 Thanks for the trades!
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
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>>31760086 No problem. Thanks we well~
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Posting, I got a bunch of new DBHA mons, check it out
Looking for Fast Vulpix, Friend & Lure Jangmo-o, and anything I don't have
Greg, I still have a Heavy HA Meowth-A for you.
And Erin, still interested on DBHA Scraggy and Drilbur ?
Looking for a Guzzlord: adamant, impish, careful
>>31761797 Offer something.
So I'm doing a bit of starter collecting in Sun/Moon with starters in their respective possible pokeballs, doesn't matter the IV/Nature/Gender/Moves, etc. I am looking for: * Charmander (offer whatever interesting ball you have it in) * Treecko (in Nest Ball/Friend Ball) * Mudkip (in Dive Ball) * Torchic (in Fast Ball) * Turtwig (in Nest Ball) * Chimchar (in Fast Ball) * Piplup (in Dive Ball) * Fennekin (whatever you have) * Froakie (whatever you have) What I have that I could trade: * Bulbasaur (in Nest Ball) * Squirtle (in Dive Ball) * Chikorita (in Friend Ball) * Cyndaquil (in Fast Ball) * Totodile (in Lure Ball) * Oshawott (in Moon Ball) * Tepig (in Level Ball/Repeat Ball) * Snivy (in Friend Ball)
Brett 3007-8305-2827
Gimme some help! Just finished my alola dex and now that I'm getting my shiny charm all I need is a good foreign ditto and I'm good to go! If anybody is willing to trade a foreign 4+IV foreign ditto I can trade you my American 4IV foreign ditto.
So I've got a pretty embarrassing question. I'm a 26 year old man and I have no idea how to work google docs to make those fucking nice spreadsheets you guys do. How the fuck do you guys do that? In my defense I've done mostly landscaping/ Mechanic work and didn't go to college. Where did you guys learn to make such awesome spreadsheets?
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>31761891 I can trade you a HA Fennekin in regular pokeball or HA Froakie in Dive Ball for your Moon Oshawott
Nihilego, Xurkitree, Pheromosa, Buzzwole, Kartana, Guzzlord (Modest)
>>31761940 >>31761831 40 In reference to 31
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31761897 You would be better off getting a hexa 7. No one is really going to trade you a 4IV+ foreign Ditto. Someone might offer you a 6IV one, but it'll be hacked.
>>31761927 It's okay, I'm bad with Google docs, too. Fortunately a regular put together this nice template for anyone to use: >>31761950 how new
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>>31761927 Spreadsheet is easy, just use a template from Kia's post, then learn how to put images and filter your data
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>>31761950 Ignore. GTS Delivers
Brett 3007-8305-2827
Hexa 7? (Sorry, I am a babe in the WFG threads.) Ive been surprised at how hard it is to come across someone willing to trade a legit 4IV foreign ditto. It's just a matter of chaining the dittos to 30. That's how I did it. I thought they were going to be more common, haha. Also holy hit man, thanks for the template. This takes so many step out of the process for me! I'm gonna look like a respectable WFG regular in no time!
Brett 3007-8305-2827
Quoted By:
>>31761969 >>31762029 Whoops. Supposed to be replying to this.
>>31762029 >regular Learn how to reply first
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31762029 >I'm gonna look like a respectable WFG regular in no time But maybe lurk a bit more first...
>>31761936 HA Froakie in Dive Ball for Moon Oshawott?
I'll breed one for you while you add me up
Brett 3007-8305-2827
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>31762056 Sure. What's your FC ?
>>31762081 1435-4722-8439 Denis
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>>31762164 Hang on, internet problem
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31761891 Ive got Charmander in Luxury ball, and Dream Ball
For Tododile if you want just one and also Chikorita if you want both.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
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>>31762164 Okay, I've added you. I'll be wating in the plaza
>>31754282 Is Hoopa available for the US yet? It's the last fucker I need to complete the Pokébank Dex
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31762225 Yes, it's been available. You can't get it anymore. You easily could have Googled this information.
>>31762193 I'll trade my Totodile for a Luxury Ball Charmander
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31760977 Dream ball ponyta, ekans, gastly
I can get you a friend ball jangmo-o, moon ball pancham, and heavy ball snorunt?
I would've caught a vulpix for you but i only have heartgold.
Brett 3007-8305-2827
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>>31762259 Nice. Gimme a second to breed it.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>31762271 Sure. Are you fine with trading later ? I need to go in a bit
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31761891 I can trade you a tepig in a dive ball(for dat blue shiny with soak), net ball swampert, quick ball froakie, dive ball samurott.
I want a moon ball oshawott and lure ball totodile. You interested in any of that?
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31762306 Alright, I'll have the thread open.
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31762259 Hey man. The first Charmander I bred was female (Which I'm keeping) you want me to breed the luxury ball female with my HA male to try and get you an HA Charmander in a luxury ball or do you not want the HA?
>>31762323 I'll trade a moon Oshawott for the Net Ball Swampert
>>31762409 I'd appreciate the HA Charmander in Luxury Ball if that's possible
And your Lure Totodile is ready and waiting!
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31762447 Alright cool. I might be a bit longer to get you the wombo combo then. I'll let you know when it is ready.
>>31762463 THAT ain't Falco I'll wait my dude
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
is it a sin to use illegal mons to breed HAs and stuff?
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Anyone got a spare larvitar in ORAS/XY? No need for IVs, ball, etc
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>>31762526 Took a while, Internet was acting up, but I'm on
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>>31762645 dont ask
dont tell
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>>31762645 don't ask, don't tell
Alkiblades 0705-7166-7979
Hello everyone! I'm looking for a Bergmite with its HA (sturdy). I don't care about it's ball or nature or anything, just want the ability to breed with. I have the following to offer: -Love ball Eevee w/ HA -Love ball Stufful w/ egg moves -Lure ball Totodile w/ HA and egg moves -Lure ball Carvhana w/ HA and egg moves -Friend ball Pyukumuku -Friend ball Grubbin -Bidoof
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>>31762645 Don't tell, don't ask
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31762488 Hey man, I apologize but it seems I was misinformed about how the process of breeding HA's into offspring worked. Turns out I can't get you the wombo combo you were expecting but I can trade you the luxury ball Charmander for the totodile and then you can trade me any throwaway you want for an HA Charmander. Not quite what I was hoping to give but still a bit of a wombo combo, eh?
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>>31762645 Of course it is. Come on, how is that different from injecting?
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>>31762790 You know what, it's all good bud. I'll just trade the totodile for the Luxury Charmander without the HA
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31762790 breed an ha mon with ditto til you get the hidden abillity female, breed the female with a male that has the pokeball. It must be charmander charmander, not charmeleon or charizard charmander. Same species. its also 50% cchance
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31762828 Same species mon femal ball isn't always inherited? Good to know. Thanks. I'm learning.
>>31762790 Alright man, I'm good to give it another crack with Abzu's advice though if you wanna hang on a little longer. I'd be happy to do i.
>>31762849 I can wait a bit no worries
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31762849 Yeah they changed it so that male same species can pass balls this gen. Also no-gender mons can pass balls when breeding with ditto now.
Brett 3007-8305-2827
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>>31762910 I knew about the no genders but not the same species. That's awesome.
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31762862 Finally got it man. Thanks for the patience. FC and IGN?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31763124 1435-4722-8439 Denis
It's all good dude
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31763187 > Alolan geodude for my moon ball oshawott
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31763246 You in the plaza?
Brett 3007-8305-2827
>>31763244 >>31763287 fck. Meant to be for Denis
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>>31763306 Thanks my dude, enjoy the Lure Totodile!
Brett 3007-8305-2827
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>>31763306 Hell yeah man! I didn't know how badly I needed a Lure Ball Totodile until I got one. Thanks man! I'm gonna breed it with my HA Tododile and I'll be loving life!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>31763246 Sure thing, let me get it ready.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31763246 You about still?
Looking for a Thick Fat Swinub. Preferably Level Ball and Jolly but not too picky.
My list: Also just bred Safari Larvitars with 4 EMs
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31763587 Add me and lets get to it
What can I get you for a Safari Larvi? Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>31763584 >>31763614 oops i meant to quote you
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>31763614 Does your Swinub have Thick Fat?
Oh and the Larvitars are Adamant with Pursuit/Stealth Rock/Iron Tail/DD.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31763920 Unfortunately, not. I would have deff offered them to you if so. If I had at least one HA Swinub of any kind I would breed it onto it myself.
Alkiblades 0705-7166-7979
>>31763901 >>31762775 You interested in anything here for that sturdy Bergmite?
>>31764059 Lure Carvanha would be nice.
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>31763979 Ah alright. I'll take that HA Moon Ball Gligar then if it's fine
Alkiblades 0705-7166-7979
>>31764146 Awesome, send you a FR
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Does anyone with a copy of X or Y have a male Pokémon from those games in the Human-shaped egg group with 31 IVs in at least HP, Def, SpAtk, and SpDef that I could borrow for a bit? Just found out that older gen Pokémon from Sun/Moon can't be transferred to the 6th gen games.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Anne 2938-9513-0892
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
>>31764288 Shoot me an invite
Alkiblades 0705-7166-7979
>>31764278 Thanks a ton, friend!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
is there a way to nickname ash-greninja?
Anne 2938-9513-0892
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>>31764346 Thanks as well! Would probably aim to MM this Gligar cause shiny Gliscor fits the ball better
Still looking for a Thick Fat Swinub~
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>>31764362 No. You're not the OT on it, so you can't nickname it.
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>>31754282 Anyone around have a Bold Ditto or Rotom?
No IV's necessary, I just need it for the nature.
I just want a homebrew fuckin' Bank that's compatible with the virtual console games.I want a Snorlax that knows Pay Day.
>>31765452 So you want bank or what? Just buy lol
>>31765513 >Sorry anon, we lost all your data lol Anonymous
>>31765516 please understand
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>>31765519 My body isn't Reggie
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>>31765516 Just transfer it into your game lol
Anyone got a Cosmog or either of the box legends they'd be willing to show me for Dex and trade back? Trying to get the shiny charm while there's still game to play.
>>31765549 which game are you playing ?
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 !!oHtatRgCUgA
>>31765549 Why not try the GTS? It's actually much easier than you'd think.
Just go:
>Turtonator > (optional) Dranpa > Item trade evo (Slowking / Politoed / Scizor / Milotic / etc) > any Tapu > Lunala It'll takes you about 1 to 2 hours and leave you with a free Lunala.
>>31765668 This is basically what I've been doing. I've been calling it red paperclip trading. I came on here to be lazy but alas, no shortcuts on vp. Respect
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 !!oHtatRgCUgA
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>>31765685 Sure there's shortcuts, I was stuck doing the UBs as there was too much clutter hiding my offer, so I managed to find somebody on the Discord who was willing to help me with the last few.
It's all about where and who you ask.
Lets say I transferred a Pokemon from my AS to my Moon via Pokebank. I want to rename said Pokemon back in my X which is where I bred it. Can I still send that Pokemon back to X via bank? I used a friends 3DS who payed for the bank pass, so I can't test it out myself.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 !!oHtatRgCUgA
>>31765702 I believe you should be able to, you're only stopped from sending stuff back to 5th gen.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>31765702 no, you can't send it back. once it touches sun or moon, there's no sending it back
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>>31765516 >trying to excuse spending 5 fucking dollars on this shitty paranoid and baseless fear of you losing your mons when it had happened to no one that actually owns Bank. You need to stop being brainwashed Anon. In a way, I feel very sorry for you yet I don't enjoy this feeling of superiority over you because of this pity I have over you. Shameful isn't it?
>>31765709 >>31765719 who am I supposed to believe
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>31765744 ok, that's disappointing but expected
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 !!oHtatRgCUgA
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>>31765733 Him, I've used bank for a couple of days and am just guessing what sounds logical to my mind. Forgot to factor in Gamefreak being a bit retarded.
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Aerodactyl are such good trade bait I can get literally anything for one, this is tilly
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>>31765702 No you can't. No way to bring it back once you've transferred it to SuMo
Source: I tried doing that for the exact same reason and it wouldn't let me
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
lurking on dead hours
>>31762332 I got the mons for you now
>>31763901 Missed you again
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Quoted By:
>>31766583 okay ill hatch my eggs
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>31766853 Hopping on the plaza
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
Anju 0147-2067-6579
Looking for winter deerling. Can offer any other season
Amy 1220-6836-8617
Can anyone help me trade evolve my Scyther? I can offer a DBHA Chansey or a (male sadly) DBHA Aerodactyl, both are penta
Anju 0147-2067-6579
>>31767300 I can, and don't need anything in return. I should already have you added
Quoted By:
>>31766945 Have your Dratini
pls be around Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>31767315 Thanks a lot! are you okay to do it now?
Anju 0147-2067-6579
Amy 1220-6836-8617
Quoted By:
>>31767359 Thanks!
Just need the tapus now and i can get that shiny charm.
>>31754282 > Talonflame has access to (...) Fly, use it. That part isn't really relevant anymore, is it?
t. glorious Magmortar master race
Quoted By:
>>31767426 You spelled Moltres wrong
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31767738 Are you updating your list all the time or just reposting the same link for the fourth time?
>>31767788 why dont you check it and find out for yourself?
>>31767800 What if I already did and that was just a call-out post?
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>>31767817 guess that makes you a whiny asshole then
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>31767788 Did you wanna trade something??
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31767285 I can breed my winter sawsbuck for a summer deerling, its a dive ball.
Anju 0147-2067-6579
>>31767893 I only have mine on a regular pokeball, is that ok?
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Quoted By:
>>31768021 I can change the pokeball later, I'll post in like 10 minutes. I'm doing something.
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
>>31768021 okay im gonna breed an egg
>>31767738 Would you take a 5iv love ball Cutiefly or a HA moon ball Dratini for a love ball Caterpie?
Anju 0147-2067-6579
Quoted By:
>>31768248 I am in the plaza
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31768271 Ive got those two already! Anything else on your person?
>>31768360 If you give me some time to breed some eggs I can offer love ball Sentret or Luxury ball Tepig
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31768419 Id take a Luxury Tepig.
>>31755035 Anon if you're still around I have some dream ball HA mudkip and I'd love a dream ball Lickitung.
I'll be online in a bit (phone posting on the way home)
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Holy fucking shit, getting a Razor Fang is next to impossible. 5% on Bruxish? Kill me
>>31767738 Could I get a friend ball smeargle? Ha if you have it.
I can offer dream ball mudkip
>>31768439 Cool, just give me a few to breed. I'm also interested in your love ball Hoppip, would you take a dream ball Mareep for it?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31768495 Are you
>>31768464 ?
>>31768490 Do you have a Compoundeyes mon to help?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31768517 Does the Mareep have HA?
>>31768518 I was using Frisk, but I guess that's a better idea. Thanks for the tip. Is the best way to find a Bruxish just going to a bubbling spot, fishing, flying back to the same place again so that it bubbles again, repeat?
Abzu 4055-3155-1794
Quoted By:
>>31768558 Go to secluded shore, fish with compound eye pokemon leading. Swim to the shore walk a tiny bit out into blush mountain, then walk back into secluded shore. rinse repeat.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31768563 Aw man, for now, im trying to nab DB HA Mons. DB non-HA aren't particularly wanted right now. Your Caterpie is ready though!
>>31768558 It may be, im not sure, I didnt need a Razor Fang for anything and I got a Bruxish from WT.
>>31768518 Oh yeah I am! Phone posting so there was a refresh delay!
I'll get my FC in just a few minutes
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
>>31768632 Let me get the Friend Ball mon ready.
>>31768518 Mudkip guy here! At home and FC is 3926-5129-8292.
Ready anytime
Nitrox !nitroxKN4E
>>31768464 Are you
Hikaru ? I am around, but I'm stuck in the league right now. I can get you a DB Lickitung. Penta perfect for penta perfect? Any specific gender you want your Licki to be? I'm fine with a male Mudkip.
>>31768621 It's all good. I got your Tepig now. IGN Maddi and FC is 1805-2692-7401
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
>>31768677 Let me get it ready!
>>31768684 I'll be on in just a bit.
Zeke 3926-5129-8292
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>>31768680 I am not, but let me know when you can trade. Added FC now
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>>31754303 Hey senpai, Im Nick on gts. putting up a dratini for a strong jaw bruxish
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WiFi and trading noob here! Are there any reasonable ways to GTS for Pokemon with Gen VI (or earlier) specific moves? For example, I've wanted a Volcarana with Giga Drain for a while, but it seems like Giga Drain is obtainable via ORAS MT only. Similar constraints apply for mons like HA Swinub with Knock Off, and Power Up Punch Kangaskhan. Thanks!