>>32140455>cont.But then she calms down after all those tears and her pokemon’s support. She got to here by herself, she had taken the steps to where she is now on her own, not by her mother telling she should. And those feelings when she practiced with her pokemon, they were hers, and she enjoyed sharing them with Fennikin and Pancham. There’s no doubt in her mind now, she wants to pursue this dream, she really does. And with that in mind, a new Serena is born alongside her, the one with passion and the strength to persevere. In the East, it is a common association to take cutting one’s hair with forgetting one’s past, and that’s what we see Serena doing. With a face full of determination, she cuts it all off. She is forgetting her troubles, her doubts, her fears, because she knows there is no truth to them, for this feeling in her heart, the love she shares on the stage with her pokemon, that is more powerful than any despair.