- Poké Ride is a great replacement of HMs.
- Z-Moves are a nice item to power-up weak coverage moves to acceptable levels.
- Despite knowing that the Aether Foundation were the bad guys since the beginning, it is still something impressive.
- Festival Plaza is a worse PSS that forces you to go to a different place unlike PSS and is a worse copy of Join Avenue.
- Pokémon Refresh retained the petting function, but it also introduced curing Status Effects after every battle, making the games easier and also making the items created for that purpose useless (that function is optional but still)
- Although you can still seeing the EVs, there's no way to see the numbers unlike Super Training.
- Poké Finder, Sun and Moon's minigame, forces you to grind a lot to get the Stamp (1,500,000 points/likes when highest what you can get is 10,000 per picture)
- Customization is restricted to tourist clothing.
- Alola has 300 Pokémon, almost all being shitmons.
- In conjuction with RGBY, they are the hardest games to grind, with only that place in Hau'Oli Mall (once a day), Morimoto from Game Freak (once a day), and the Elite Four. Also Exp. Gaining is the same from BW, and Day Care no longer increases Exp. Points because it now became for Breedibg Purposes only.