>>33740251DP Vs. SM
- The best Poké Gadget so far, with more than 21 functions.
- Best Pseudo so far, with high HP, decrnt bulk, and a weird Speed that makes it unique.
- Separated the moves by Category so that way most Dark-types and Gyarados were fixed.
- It introduced the first Normal/Flying Route 1 Pokémon that didn't suck.
- Added new evolutions to Pokémon that already existed, making most of them more viable.
- You can grind using the Vs. Seeker, which was improved from FRLG and now some trainers that you can rematch have more Pokémon, evolve their Pokémon, and their Pokémon growth in levels.
- 30 FPS both in and out of battles.
- GTS is down so it is harder to get Trade Evolutions.
- Without counting the Legendaries, introduced 94 Pokémon, from which many were either shitmons or Baby Pokémon.
- Version Exclusive Fossils was the worst Version Exclusive thing so far.
- Has Hidden Abilities, Mega Evolutions, and Z-Moves.
- Power Items now give (x + 8) EVs instead of (x + 4).
- SOS Battles sucks, even more when you are looking for HA or EV Training.
- Festival Plaza is a bad combination of both Join Avenue and PSS.
- Poké Pelago was a worse alternative to get Evolution Stones not named Leaf, Fire, Water, and Thunder Stones because they were totally random, had a very low chance to appear, and had to wait 12 hours only to get an Everstone.
- Without counting Type: Null line, Tapus, Cosmog line, Ultra Beasts, Necrozma, Magearna, Marshadow, and USUM Ultra Beasts, it introduced 61 new Pokémon, of which only 1 line (Mareanie line) don't suck, while the rest struggle to be viable.
- Is the worst game to grinding levels: You either battle in the restaurant in Hau'Oli City (which only allows 10 turns per day), against Morimoto with a high-leveled team that gives low Exp. Points, or waste time battling in the Alola Pokémon League. Having BW Exp. System doesn't help.