Here, have some semi-baseless assumptions:
>>34259226You like basic, straightforward movesets
>>34259245You used to trace the pictures from the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" books
>>34259250You once took a shit ton of damage from a single attack and decided "never again"
>>34259274You're a marine biologist who specializes in arthropods
>>34259280You started playing in Gen IV
>>34259283Tongue fetishist
>>34259303You like to annoy your enemies.
And your friends.
>>34259316When you drew stick figures as a kid, you always gave them angry eyebrows
>>34259351You went through (or are still in) a ghost-hunting phase
>>34259503You lift weights while listening to dubstep
>>34259538You haven't been allowed to play with matches for the past 3 years
>>34259547You've watched too many Godzilla movies
>>34259613You like scimitars
>>34259625You don't really "get" other people, but they don't "get" you, either.