Welcome to the /vp/ Monotype Tournament!
Lets see if we have enough interest.
Here we hold a Monotype tournament where you compete to be a gym leader and represent your favourite type in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon!
The rule set is 3v3, best 2 out of 3 using flat rules. More specifics can be found here:
http://pastebin.com/8eAQufm5 Plenty of people will be breeding or injecting (maybe?), so don't be afraid to ask for help with your team building!
Registration Form :
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeq7KAKz1ySuRXIx8cHDOiI-XjkvUwx4A0V_6KuNq5KVWVCJQ/viewform?usp=send_form Team Submission Form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNshNeLWCgi9VnctXD8QPPKiRfQyIH_WDE7bRLpzKXFwQwIQ/viewform?usp=send_form Both documents must be filled out before the tournament begins if you wish to participate. It is best to submit them when you are 100% happy with your type and your team!
To see what other people have entered as:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RSy9SikOZ9YqbStgW4TV9kt7_lmFmFC93MIr6Mi4yXg/edit?usp=sharing shitpost away
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34415064 >shitpost away Alright, I'll get started.
>3v3 Already shit. Everyone go home.
>>34415189 :^)
It's been said before and it'll get said again, but 3v3 works incredibly well for this setup. Quick matches, forces you to think about your mon selection and lessens the gap for bad monotype matchups.
What format would you run it as?
I've been wanting to participate for years, and I think my schedule will actually permit it this time around. Any idea when the tournament will start? I still need to put a team together.
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>>34415229 6v6 monotype. First to set up stealth rocks wins automatically
>>34415236 Likely after the new year break. You still have a bunch of time
>>34415299 Oh, rad.
Rock, Ghost, or Normal? Which gets the least representation?
Can a 6v6 format be released?
>>34415355 Here are some numbers of a previous tournament
Normal 6
Fire 3
Fighting 2
Water 7
Flying 4
Grass 4
Poison 5
Electric 3
Ground 3
Psychic 2
Rock 3
Ice 7
Bug 5
Dragon 4
Ghost 9
Dark 6
Steel 3
Fairy 7
Not all these players submitted teams and played, but the vast majority did.
>>34415355 you could try rock with orange doggo and it's z move, plus mega ttar
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>>34415369 Can it? Yes
Will it? If someone else runs that tourney, yes. Otherwise no.
>>34415449 >>34415453 Rock is looking real nice.
Time to put a team together!
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>>34415229 Doubles me famitsu.
Its been a while. I used Dark on the last one. Gonna think about this one tho.
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>>34417395 Move tutors is the key. A bunch more options open now
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THIS YEARS THE YEAR BOIS. Gonna be better than ever, coming in riding on a Mantine. More hot water, scald here there and everywhere. Liquidation is absurd and everything and their mother has it (except for Swampert god why I just wanna get ride of waterfall.) It's only getting sweeter from here.
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i like monotype, but i absolutely cant stand 3v3 format i think ill pass
>>34418095 'kay. Got a Mono-Dark team raring to go, and a Mono-Fairy fun time team coming up. So those'll be fun.
>>34418105 nice dude. Got any details you want to share? :^)
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>monotype >dual types are allowed
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>>34418142 I was around for Multis last time this tournament was on, so if you know the Zoroark user, you know most of my mono-dark. My fun time fairy team is totally top secret though. :^)
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btw totem mons are available since the only change is size
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Gonna have to do a bit of breeding, but I'm down. Only just got UM the other day so slowly making my way through that. 3v3 format = best format.
It's that time again already?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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Alex 0001-3617-8659
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The time has come and so have I.
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remove lucario
How far are you guys through the new game? I'm getting a bit worried I'm way behind and won't be able to get a team setup.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34423152 It came out almost a month ago, most are done by now. I wouldn't worry too much though, there is some time before things even really start and if anything we always have some people who inject stuff for others. For now these threads will mostly just be some shitposting and multis.
>>34423652 Speaking of Multis, Multis when?
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34423715 Soon anon, soon.
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34423715 >>34423834 When we get one more guy.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34424017 Be home in an hour and a half if y’all are still here by then
Robert 2895-6822-6787
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34424072 >>34424095 >>34424107 Would love to but I genuinely can't tonight, will be free tomorrow though. Sorry guys.
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>>34424258 Aww. I was hoping to get my shit kicked in by a possibly bug guy.
I'm winning this t.b.h. famalam
>>34426208 What type you doing m8?
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>>34426549 You better not be one of those fairy fuccbois
Should I just be a huge fuck and play Steel or Fairy?
If there is enough intrest can a discord for this thing be made? Id love to run a mono bug or ground
>>34428156 If I remember correctly the people that run it has a discord. Not sure they just smash mono battles though,
>>34428368 they should give the discord link then. its just better for coordination than emails, and voice chats can be done during battles if someone so chooses.
>>34429220 >>34428476 >>34428368 >>34428156 Isn't this just going to make threads more dead? It's pretty low traffic at the best of times
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>>34428048 Someones gonna be THAT guy.
Just pick a type that has your favourite mon in it or something. If that's steel or fairy, who cares
So does everyone run most op ou shit here?
>>34429666 I know you will satan
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>>34429666 Most people run meme or karenfag teams here. Seems only a handful go for the top.
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>>34429666 Some people will run half tryhard stuff to back up their meme strats in case they fail
>>34429330 why would i post my non-anonymous shit on an anonymous imageboard, like email and fc
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>>34432793 FC is obviously so we can do stuff like multis. No one here uses it outside of these threads and unless someone tries to blogfag I don't see the problem with posting names here.
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>>34432793 if you are that worried just make another email or something, mr fbi agent
>>34433793 I can multis on the OG sun.
>>34433799 That's fine. I wouldn't be using any of the new content anyway.
>>34433850 Rightio, just gonna do all that update nonsense.
Need two more for multis,
Robert 2895-6822-6787
Welp, it's pretty quiet. Maybe rip multis
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>>34434257 Multis never. :(
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34434257 Still around, just need that last guy.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alt 1650-4687-2907
4098-2678-4492 I'm gonna bring mono teams, might swap it up each round though.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34434434 I've never seen that one before.
Robert 2895-6822-6787
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>>34434434 Google says to reset your router.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34434445 >>34434447 minor issue solved by resseting router desu
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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my pikas just arrived in ultra alola so i had to improvise with the itesm i had lmao
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Am I too late for multis?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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Alt 1650-4687-2907
>5% chance to miss >miss Aghhh. Wait, why'd disconnect?
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That Dc tho.
>>34434492 You can sub in for me. I really need a shower.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34434516 pikachu destroyed nintendo servers desu
Is this going to be in Pokemon Showdown?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34434533 no bby
>>34434492 get online bby
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34434526 Convenient. Getting caught off by scarfed Tyrantrum and missing my own move was pretty bad for our side.
>>34434541 What do you mean not in showdown? How am i supposed to breed a team quickly? The hell is this?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34434544 get onlineeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34434559 Wait, need to prepare memes.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34434558 i can help u bby
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34434558 Just inject it :^)
>>34434577 >>34434566 How do i inject again? I forgot how to do it with PKHex. Last time i did it ORAS recently came out.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34434577 >>34434516 while we wait for luna to get his memes, do u guys do battle agency
im at lvl 10 btw
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34434588 One of us could always help you.
>>34434591 I'm rank 3 I think. I've only played it a couple times offline so far.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
All ready, whose hosting?
Alt 1650-4687-2907
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>>34434591 I'm 20-something at the Agency.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34434545 nice pangoro pic bby
>>34434612 Yeah but I don't want y'all to know my sets
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34434616 im hosting bbyyy
robert get online
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34434627 Battles are shared publicly so you'll only be surprising your first opponent unless you're running unique EV spreads. Is your 3ds hacked?
>>34434652 Damn.. and no it's not hacked.
Robert 2895-6822-6787
>>34434662 You'll need someone too inject for you then. The tournament isn't until January though so you still have some time to breed.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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Alex 0001-3617-8659
Bullied too much honestly. Poor bug of 43 speed died doing nothing.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Robert 2895-6822-6787
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That was a close one.
Alt 1650-4687-2907
Wow, we were so close. Too bad neither Extrasensory or Air Slash flinched that fucker.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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wew wat hapened
Alt 1650-4687-2907
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34434672 Breeding is for losers. Showdown is the way of the future. I'll find a way to inject them.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Robert 2895-6822-6787
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>>34434800 Try the injection general.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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pls dont crash nintendo servers
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>mfw i dont even have to use follow me for u guys to hit pachi xD
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34434866 It was by obvious he was going for protect.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alt 1650-4687-2907
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Oh boy, Pickup!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
sorry bby i cant attack so i gotta get rid of ur lightning rod none of their mons have electric attacks anyway desu
Robert 2895-6822-6787
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>>34434886 :(
>>34434910 I was wondering what the point of that was.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>attacking your partner literally wtf lmao
Alt 1650-4687-2907
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It was too sparkly. Also, disconnected again? We were just about to win.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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ebin disconect anyway that match was luna's and altashi
Robert 2895-6822-6787
Welp. I'm sure you guys had that.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34434920 Yeah what the fuck? Shuckle could still have set up toxic or helping hand.
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34434929 For sure. I had M-Absol in waiting carrying a nice Sucker Punch for that Marowak.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34434946 Hey, I remember yesterday you said you wanted to play my bug team, you still want to after this? I have a bug and poison team ready to use so I can do either at the moment though neither is close to complete so they suck a bit.
Robert 2895-6822-6787
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Good games guys.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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weeeeeeeeww bbys very fun multis i had fun
Alex 0001-3617-8659
GG guys, that last game was fun with sheddy actually getting time to shine.
Alt 1650-4687-2907
Good games there. I'm surprised Dan ALMOST managed to win one. That was pretty exciting.
>>34434971 Sure.
>>34435052 That was mostly cause I'm monodark, but I really wanted to melt Dan, so I didn't focus on removing Sheddy.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34435068 >feeling proud of beating some poor little babie pikas wew :(
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34435084 Oh, no. It's nothing of pride. I just really like melting you, babe. :3
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34435084 It's okay, I'm going to go bully alt with my bugs.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34435095 will you enter tourney this time or no?
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34435111 Nah. Singles are lame.
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>>34435095 >>34435111 Trips says you should
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34435129 why u only come here for multis if ur not going to participate bby
i guess thanks for bumping thread tho
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>quick claw ABSOLUTE MAD MAN
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34435150 I only just threw that on prior to the match since he wasn't holding an item. Guess it worked out. I didn't do too bad there.
>>34435145 Because Multis are fun.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34435163 multis ARE fun, i love them too, but tourney is also super fun
anyway, it's a real shame you missed out on signing into this astute and more so upper pokeclass tournament that is being held on 4chan.orgs own /vp/, dang it bby
Alt 1650-4687-2907
Why'd we disconnect, Alex? I think I could have won that one, assuming your last wasn't Goli.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>not letting my beetle get the sweep Rude. Heracross is probably going honestly, to many fairy and flying types. Thinking either durant or escavalier or possibly scolipede.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34435189 Just a random disconnect, plaza is shit.
Want to try again?
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34435195 I didn't quit, brah. I switched off Hydreigon to get off choice, then I was gonna hit Hera with Draco Meteor after you guaranteed a KO on Crawdaunt.
>>34435204 Sure.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34435210 Alright, let's try to set it up so it was exactly like last time.
Alt 1650-4687-2907
>>34435210 Actually, scratch that. I gotta jet in ten minutes.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34435210 >>34435228 Alright, we have to play again sometime. Thanks for the multis.
Alt 1650-4687-2907
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>>34435238 Sure, I'll check around the thread again tommorow. The Multis were great today.
>literally go out with friends and eat today >multis all around during that time Guess I’ll die
>>34435683 What about tomorrow friend?
>>34436214 I’ll be around all day hopefully, submitted my team today too. Taking a year off of Pokemon and missing the last tourney sucked so I’m pretty happy this great tourney is back in action
>>34436230 If you've got a team with none of the new stuff I can do some practice battles against you tomorrow too. I'm nearly finished Ultra, but not quite yet
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>>34436378 Sounds gud friendo
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>Have 4 Pokémon ready >Mooching one of off my friend >Only need to breed one mememon for a sixth slot I'm almost ready and raring to go with weeks to spare. I'm super psyched.
>Already have a team in mind. >Just need to ask someone to inject >Does not want to enter just yet because Asian timezones and I only have my DS when I go back from uni. When will my pain end. I am not even free during christmas. Fuck this uni.
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>that one guy with the ??? type team You know who you are.
>>34439283 But the tourney starts after the New Year's break I think.
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>>34439338 If I can get confirmation on that, I will gladly put my name in. Just got US last Saturday desu, but I am sure that wont be a huge issue, assuming I finish game soon.
how good would fighting types be here? the surge in fairy usage lately has been fucking with their viability
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34439873 im doing fisting type this time desu and fairies force me to use lucario :/
TFW now I will breed a monotype team for multis and giggles
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34440277 >lucario >not the best fight type Disgusting. Run frog for fuck fairies. Give it
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34440957 best fighting type is primeape lmao
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>>34439873 That's what it's all about, building out your mono to be well rounded enough to deal with shit like fairies.
It's hard sometimes, but rewarding as fuck when you smash a bad matchup
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442508 I'm also up for some mono if you want and no one else comes too. Hopefully we can get two people to come.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34442516 Lets do a mono match I can only get 2 in though something came up wew
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34442616 EMILIO BBYYY
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442616 Sorry to reply late, can we still do it? I'll try my old poison team.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34442670 Of course I’d be back. Sorry to keep you waiting handsome.
>>34442706 Lets do eet
Psychic is always my main
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442710 >psychic Wew lad, let's do it. You're lucky I didn't do my ghost or bug type. Give me a min to make the team and I'll get online.
>>34442670 contain your autism pls
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442710 >>34442728 Hey quick question, you okay with megas or is this this an old team from before megas?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34442779 Cool, losing matchups are always a ton of fun, I look forward to this.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442779 Sending the invite now.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34442818 That twave miss was crucial damn
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34442818 Great matches. That third match had me reeling with your perfect lead off counter but my pokes pulled through in the end. Hopefully next time we can get some multis with me around here soon. Thanks for the fun lad
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34442931 Yeah, had you got that it easily would have been your game.
I have no fucking idea how gengar survived that +2 bullet punch honestly, I thought it was it from there.
Thanks for the games, it was a lot of fun to see the holes in my poison team. Metagross is a huge threat and you didn't even use the mega which is worrying, I'm thinking I need to swap out crobat for a salazzle probably.
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34442972 I was wondering about the encore as I expected a straight up counter. Psychic has always been a type I wanted to run since it has a lot of fun pokemon, wobbefett alone makes me want to do it, but I'm stuck between bug, poison, and ghost for this mono. Great team, I really expected mega metagross but yours seems more fun and a real threat. Thanks for the games, hopefully we can play again in some multis soon.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34443012 Straight up if it weren’t for hyper training then that crobat would have killed my meowstic through the sub. My heart stopped for a second there becuase I forget infiltrator is a thing.
As for wobuffett. I was hoping for the berry to go off but unfortunately the knock off didn’t shave off enough life.
Also no one expects the tankgross hahahahaha
Also love the beedrill. Such a cool poke to destroy mons with
installing ultra sun right now, gotta speedrun it to get a team ready wish me luck boys
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>>34443215 Good luck friend.
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Emilio 4012-4113-8164
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34449674 yes bby
>>34449073 u still here bby?
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34448991 >>34449073 I'm up but need a bit. Even have a mono ghost team ready so if anyone wants to do mono that's cool too.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34449747 i want to do mono/multis but i need help transfering all my battle items fom sm to usum lmaoooo
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34449742 Yeah I’m around. Prolly be on standby if I have too so I can get into some multis hopefully
>>34449747 Yoooooo
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34449757 I did this but with a friend the other day. I’ll do it for you if you want lmoa I don’t mind.
Can’t find a battle royal match right now anyways
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34449757 I just grinded bp at the battle tree. I actually like doing it a but as it let's me test fifferent pokemon and realize what I need to cover on my teams. Sometimes I'll get destroyed by some random shitmon that I would never would have considered a threat. Even then if need bp fast just grab some UBs or Tapus with proper EVs and IVs and blow through it.
>>34449767 I'll be ready in maybe like ten min. I'm up for multis or monos.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34449824 Sounds gud
>>34449833 Send me the invite plz wew
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34449833 >>34449847 I'm all ready, what are we doing?
>team still isn't done fuck
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34449953 I think daniel got caught up with something. Haven’t traded stuff yet
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34449980 Don't worry, most have barely begun. My autism just makes me do teams real early in advance so I can test stuff and male changes.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34449985 i was giving random mons my items
3 boxes
this might take a while wew
gettin onlone
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34450005 Lemme fix my boxes real quick and then I’ll head over to the plaza
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34449985 >>34450005 What are we doing exactly? It's only us three.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34450019 Hopefully multis we need one more but first the trading begins
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34450019 emilio is helping me transfer items
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34450050 Idiot here, can you only do by trading from SM to USUM?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34450050 Garchompite klefki new meta, ask hope you like my irl friends ign from all those dewpider ;))
>>34450065 You can trade from SM to USUM my friend
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34450093 I know that, I just didn't know if there was a way to transfer items with only one 3ds. I can't trade because, as stated, only got one 3ds.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34450163 Read it wrong fug.
Yeah you need two 3ds or a friend to help transfer items. I didn’t do it because my love for battle tree is too strong and I could just get the items back that way.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34450190 do u have a discord bby?
give me ur name so i can add uu
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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>>34450190 Eh, that kinda sucks but whatever. I guess I'll just have to swap stuff around which is annoying but whatever. I fucked myself and got rid of my access to pkhex.
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34450226 wat do
sorry ive never added a friend on discord this way
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
Callum 4098-2678-4492
Keen for multis in about 30 mins if people are keen. Just a got a few things to do first.
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>>34450297 >save got corrupted >lost all my battle ready mons >only 1/4 of my team is done kill me
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Are multis and mono kill? I really want to test out my upgraded bug an ghost team.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>34450501 trading itesm takes a long time desu :/
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>>34450297 >>34450501 I'd be down for multis if you give me a few minutes to finish EV training a Pokémon
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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also nintendo decied to do server maintenance so rip multis lmao and emilio i guess well continue to trade tomorrow
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34450520 Nah, the server is down anyway so we couldn't even if we wanted.
Callum 4098-2678-4492
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>>34450540 Wowee. What a stitch up.
I'll go back to finishing Ultra then
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gee wiz it's dark in here
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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as soon as i get all my itesm thanks to emilio i should be ready to do practice matches/multis at my full potential desu
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
having a practice match against emilio
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34459463 Nice Tsareena m8 gg
Anyone want to do multis when I get back from running errands in Half an hour?
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34459463 You up for a match? Want to keep it mono or just dumb shit?
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>34459616 Me desu if my game updates before you get back
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
>>34459649 Sheeit if everyone is here now I’m down rn
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34459664 YES BBY LETS GO
Alex 0001-3617-8659
>>34459664 Multis sounds good. We just need Omar then.
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>34459684 We will multi when my game is updated. Hopefully no one offers to take my place :^(
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34459744 nah i wait 4u bby
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34459747 On standby my friend
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Are we doing mono multis or just whatever?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34459776 meme multis desu
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34459776 Whatever I hope I got three different teams imma use
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alex 0001-3617-8659
Omar 3153-3754-3536
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>>34459871 >>34459901 hopefully soon. this update is taking longer than expected.
Omar 3153-3754-3536
w-wew lad. I'm sorry guys pls don't get mad. I'm attempting it again.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alex 0001-3617-8659
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>34460066 lets try tomorrow i gotta sleep bby
>>34415064 I've been interested in making a monotype team for fucking ages but I don't even know where to start. Either Normal or Ghost for sure, but I'd just be using 'mons I like
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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The dream is dead, anyone still want to play mono matches?
Emilio 4012-4113-8164
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>>34460066 Lets just do mono. It’s fine if you want to switch your types. Best of 3 lets go
>>34460091 you can use mons that you like, then think about the weakness your team has
for example, since ghost has a bad matchup against dark you could use mimikyu, or if you are going normal mega pidgeot for fighting types
also people will help you practice here like alex and emilio are doing right now
>>34460241 Is Baton Pass allowed? I can't even test my team because Shodon is retarded
>>34460602 The format is triples flat rules. Why would you use baton pass?
>>34460637 I did?
>>34460629 What? Said OP says "(4). All matches will be conducted in Single Format"
No legendaries, but can I use a Silvally?
>>34460791 I think so. It was legal in the last tourney. As long as it has the memory of the respective type you registered as.
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>>34460791 >>34461015 game disallows special pokemon and legendary pokemon, where type:null is special and silvally is legendary. the banlist on the pastebin in the op also mentions silvally as a sub-legendary, which is banned.
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Don't die. We haven't even hit 300 posts yet
>>34460629 >>34460637 >>34460657 What was the end result of this? Is Baton Pass allowed? Why did that anon claim it was triples?
>>34464478 anything that is not a legend (follow the serebii link on pastebin) power up punch/seismic toss mega kangaskhan, nasty plot/swords dance mega lucario, perish song mega gengar and mega salamence is allowed
a poisonfag here once ran minimize muk
>>34461015 silvally was allowed last tourney because last tourney was alola dex non bank only, which limited some types as they had very limited choices, since this tourney allows national dex, silvally gets banned by legend blanket ban
>>34464683 Yea I figured it would be since it wasn't explicitly mentioned but I didn't want to try to run it then someone to tell me "Wtf that's banned" because I couldn't be bothered to ask
At least Minimize is super weak to like 10x the moves it used to be
>>34464707 thats why there is a pastebin in the OP with the rules...
>>34464907 I said multiple times I already read the pastebin and said I would rather check twice
>>34464917 its ok i love you
>>34465357 I'm sorry I just wanted to use Eevee Anonymous
>>34465414 u can use eeveee
the z move is super dank
>>34465437 It's the only thing it's good for really. EE and Baton Pass/Stored Power
>>34415064 >Want to participate, read rules >Type:Null and Silvally are banned Fuck you and your shitty tournament then faggots, hope all your saves get corrupted
>>34465642 >liking legendaries >liking legendaries that are shit in battle thats a lose-lose friend
>>34465912 >banning the only fun competitive mons have fun with your little kids level skill tournament
>>34465931 >only legends are fun to use go back to ubers, underage
>>34465943 >non-legends "take more skill to use" *tips fedora*
>>34465991 >implying its a skill argument go away
>>34466011 >my argument is flawed, stop before people see how much of an idiot I am ebin
>>34466037 >Smogon says these Pokemon are good so I'm doing /vp/ a favor by banning them from all of my tournaments *cuck intensifies*
>>34466092 >doesnt see the inherent bullshit that is every battle being nothing but mega/primal legendaries hopeless. even your precious silvally would still be shit tier
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omae wa mo shindeiru