>>34583476There's nothing that compares to ice in terms of completely ruining a pokemon just for having it. You'd be giving every single ice type +50 speed just to make them viable when you could just make ice itself suit the actual pokemon in the type better, most of which would even be GOOD if ice was better defensively. avalugg/support variant cloysters (they serve similar roles), lapras/stallrien, Beartic would be pretty fucking sick if it could actually switch in on resists while in the rain/snow, the two ice megas (abomasnow and glalie) would very much appreciate a handful of resists at all. Even the "good" ice types would benefit from having resists. Weavile isn't THAT frail and could absolutely take an earthquake/brave bird/air slash if it resisted that. Mamoswine would be the solidest of picks to ever grace OU. Even if you nerfed ice offensively in conjunction with this (ie made grass neutral or gave some other type a resist to it like idk ghost) these offensive ice types would still be objectively better off in the long run.
Rock? Has valuable resists. Tyranitar is used quite a bit for its ability to cuck both fire and flying on the same type.
Grass? Absolutely invaluable resists in water and ground. So little resists these it makes grass viable just by association.
Fighting? Even fighting has some value defensively with that rock and bug (u turn) resist.
Ice? Nothing. Fucking trash. Hurts it so bad it makes its ability to actually counter anything offensively worse (ie it can't ever fucking switch in to threaten things in the first place)