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Can't finish Platinum

!e4dhR0f2Fk No.34604374 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've played this game 3-4 and have never finished it, I just got really really really bored in the late game, like I feel that catching Giratina should be the end of the game instead of the Champion.

Now that I said that, I'd like that they drop the concept of champion completely or at least wish that they didn't worship it so much, in gen 1 you had a reason to become champion which was that you wanted to defeat Gary, your best friend, so that battle was the climax and ending of your adventure but now they're just there to put some credits on your screen.

>Gen 2
>want to defeat team rocket to stop them for evolving Magikarps early
>has a Dragonite lv40
I completely forgotten about him when I reached the league, he appears in the Team Rocket hideout and... That's it? I seriously can't remember.
>Gen 3
Why the fuck they changed the champion form Ruby/Sapphire to Emerald? Steven was perfect! or if they wanted to try something new they should have replaced the champion with your father because they really fucked up there.
>Gen 4
I like her, I really like her, but the game doesn't want me to reach her, I don't know why I feel in that way, am I the only?
>Gen 5
If N or Ghetsis count as champion then it's perfect! I loved the game from start to end, and with BW2 I was having so much fun that I feel it ended too fast, completely the contrary of Platinum, BW2 is slow and annoying in the beginning but it gets really fun after the big city.
>Gen 6
>Gen 7
I was so tired of the game when I got to the champion that I couldn't care less.