The hottest girls I know are usually single, unintentionally. They were busy in high school doing sports and getting good grades, so they never learned how to date through fucking up and figuring out what they like in a person. Their dads were suuuuuper over protective, too, no dates allowed anyway.
So when they do go on dates now, in their mid 20s, they don't know how to act, and settle for literally anyone, but then get dumped because they've got no idea how to keep a relationship going.
Sometimes they're just not even approached because people assume really hot people are 1.) taken 2.) dumb as rocks or 3.) stuck up/out of their league. One of them has never gone on a date because no one even approaches her. She doesn't like online dating, so that's like, a death sentence to your love life in this day and age. This super cute 26 year old biologist is a fuckin virgin because she's one of those pinterest nut jobs who has her whole wedding planned out, and wants to "just run into" her future husband. Has zero standards. It's asinine.
The averages and uggos usually have the most dating experience.
I can 100% see Olivia as a turbovirgin because of her work. She has no time, and no social skills.