>Watched Pokemon heroes in 2003 at age 8.Grew a crush on Latias.
>Crush grew steady through elementary school, frequently daydreamed about finding a Latias in real life.
>Crush petered out in middle school until I found fanfiction at age 11.
>Most of it is hoaky and poorly written, but I love it.
>I even wrote one about a male trainer finding and rescuing a Latias with her right wing caught in a bear trap. He protects her and treats her injury as best he can during their journey to a Pokemon center. They're in the mountains far away from any and a bitter snow storm is going on, so it takes a week. She doesn't trust him or humans at first, but by the end they fall in love and eventually get married. She outlives him by hundreds of years but she never gets another mate. Lost the story long ago or I would share it.
>Crush survived through college, some girlfriends and a 2 year relationship.
>Now crush is faded in the background, only comes out in dreams and during the rare fanfic reading.
>Don't have the tolerance for bad writing I did when I was 11, and most fanfictions are also cliche as hell. The rare good ones I've found I've read dozens of times already or the author never finished them. So I never read fanfictions anymore.
I thought that after having a real girlfriend my crush on a fictional red, psychic airplane with big eyes would go away. But it never did, and it probably never will.
Also, if any of y'all niggas have good human male/pokemon female romance fanfics to share it'd be pretty baller of you. Especially ones with Latias, considering I just wrote a fucking novel up there on her.