>>38571909Use it actually quite often, it's a good Pokemon in story mode for what it's worth, especially in Kanto and Sinnoh where getting one is extremely easy to do early on.
>>38571913Used it about as much as any of the Kanto Starters
>>38571926Quite true, even in Johto Games I'll use it over the Hoothoot Line simply because I like the design more, although admittedly I have strayed away from it in the last half decade towards Golbat/Crobat.
>>38571927I use Sceptile the most personally although have used Swampert a few times, definitely the least of the three though.
>>38571928I hate using legendaries, so no
>>38571932Not in a long time, same with the Nidoran F line, simply because I don't find them to be very interesting Pokemon.
>>38571941True, and to be entirely fair Staraptor is just that useful, it's a wonder why they included Noctowl in Sinnoh when it was never gonna be used.
>>38571949Good number of times though not nearly as much as Staraptor, I tend to avoid using Electric-Types anyhow.
>>38571962Never in any of the three games, I usually had a full team by Iron Island and didn't give a shit to look for it in B2W2 and ignored it in XY because fuck handout Pokemon that aren't starters.
>>38571970As a HM Slave, yes
>>38571972Was surprisingly late in using one of these, first time I used one was in one of my later BW playthroughs, it is extremely good though. Chandelure I've only used once though, not sure why.
>>38572263Less often than I'd like, I did use one in Pt for Magnezone and have used one in a replay of RB but other than that yeah not that often.
Also if we're talking about a strong early game, Hoenn in Gen 3 jesus christ, that game has such a good starting line-up of Pokemon that you'll likely end up with at least one of the following in RSE; Ludicolo, Shiftry, Gardevoir, Pelipper, Swellow, Breloom, Slaking, Kadabra/Alakazam, Gyarados, Crobat, Hariyama or Aggron