>>39391341What frustrates me the most is that the argument doesn't even matter.
None of this matters. They can do whatever the fuck they want, they just need to take the fucking time to do it and they are the only ones who decide that.
There is no excuse not to delay if you know your product won't be ready.
Can you imagine if fucking Ford were going to go ahead and release a car without brakes because they wanted to get a car out by a deadline rather than wiating until ut's all fucking ready.
Stop accepting this shit from the gaming industry when you'd never accept it from others.
And yes, I went to an extreme that would cause injury/death, but it applies to everything.
You wouldn't buy a computer and be okay with them telling you the hard drive will be on the way later. Maybe. Or telling you that some models won't come with a graphics card because it takes time to make new ones and they're on a deadline.
This argument, nor any other, matters in the motherfucking slightest because delay when you know your product isn't ready is the right goddamned answer every single friggin' time.