>>39985532>PichuWell they wanted to introduce baby pokémon to promote breeding. Some people argue that Pikachu kinda already looks like a first stage pokémon like Charmander, but I guess I'm biased and like Pichu.
>Plusle and MinunThe concept of having positive and negative charge is cool. But Plusle and Minun look just like Pichu which isn't cool.
>PachirisuThis one is okay, it's a squirrel instead of a mouse for once, so they get points for that
>EmolgaI don't like this one, it gains a type which I can appreciate, but that's all I can say.
>DedenneProbably the worst one. It has the fairy type, but it just looks like a tiny Raichu.
>TogedemaruI don't like its design, it's too round for my taste.
>MorpekoIt's okay, but since it was only revealed months ago, I haven't formed much of an opinion yet.
Overall I think the pikaclones are pretty lame as a concept, but I think the monkeys are just a bit worse because they were all introduced at the same time.
>MimikyuI like the concept that is uses Pikachu to hide itself, a Pokémon that is very popular and seen as very cute. I like this Pokémon.