>>40132903Nobody is whinging about the execution of the animation though, at most people are criticising the lack of qualifications blindly.
>MUH MAGIKARP LMAO WHAT A SHIT LEAGUE>Ignores that the battle royale round is there to let anyone participate and root out trainers like thatThe only weak trainers in the Top 16 were Lillie and Mallow, who were both stomped into fine paste in the first round and only got there due to others covering their asses. Guzma, Gladion and Kiawe would all be legitimately dangerous threats in any league. Sophocles and Lana are more questionable but Lana is a skilled trainer and Sophocles asspulled ridiculous talent at battling. Hau and James are also both canonically talented and skilled trainers, regardless of how badly people want to meme about TR being in the league.
Overall, the shit people are actually criticising is shit that ultimately matters little. Nobody has defended or given a shit about the league animation because nobody cares and the majority of people dropped the anime long before XY or Early-Mid SM animation was a thing.
I'll personally just hope that the Ash vs Kukui fight has ridiculous budget splurging, because that's the only battle that even slightly matters for actual viewers other than a last rematch with Tapu Koko.