>>40285936That's probably because Water is a harder element to convey through design while still making it look like an natural creature.
They said themselves that Water is the type they have the hardest time designing for.
http://lavacutcontent.com/ken-sugimori-nintendo-dream-3/>Sugimori: “We always struggle a lot with the Water type.”>Unno: “We come up with all kinds of ideas, but if the motif isn’t well suited to a Water type, it’s easy for the the creature to end up looking strange. It can also happen with the Grass starter — for example, it’s weird if we end up with a Pokémon that’s just a dog with leaves growing out of it.”With Grass starters, they make sure it's not just an animal with leaves growing out of it, and you can make anything a Fire type just making it red or orange or putting fire on it, but Water is harder to design for. All you can really do to convey the Water type beyond just making it blue is to use an animal that's already associated with water.