>>405018861) Couldn't really give a shit about the plot, as long as it has a beginning, middle and end I don't really care
2) Cut back on the tutorials, the only things that should have a tutorial that you're even remotely required to do should be Battling Basics and Catching, every side activity should just have a person who offers to explain to the player or some textbox description, anything else is unnecessary, also optimally you can just skip the Battling and Catching Tutorials, hell bring back the Teachy TV from FRLG, that thing was the best tutorial system they ever had.
3) All Pokemon can be transferred into the game, doesn't mean they're all catch-able in the one region, Regional Dex should be 250-350 and Post-Game should make about another 150-300 catch-able, version variation should account for another 200 (~100 in Regional, ~100 in Post-Game).
4) A region that isn't an entire country, just do a small chunk of a country like the first four generations, allows for much more personal touches and reduces the probability of theme park syndrome, speaking of which, do a region that doesn't contain the Super Mario Bros. elemental world themes (Grassland, Desert, Ice, Ocean, Jungle/Forest, Mountain, Sky, Volcano) for once.
5) Drop the static nature of the battle system, allow the player to control the Pokemon's movement also add in more environmental factors to the battle, completely rework the attacks so they have range, damage fall-off, pattern, etc.
6) Make a good sized region, this might seem counter-intuitive to 4 but what I mean is have the region itself contain a good number of Routes, Dungeons, Towns & Cities.