FT: Heavy Ball Duraludon, Love Ball HA Corsola, Love Ball HA Sinistea, Lure Ball Sizzlipede, Level Ball Rookidee, Level Ball Arrokuda, Moon Ball Nickit, Dream Ball Toxel, Friend Ball Impidimp, a lot of pokedex filler tradebacks.
LF: Larvitar, Dracovish, Arctovish, Eiscue, Lunatone, Drampa, Oranguru, Sableye, Solosis, Croagunk, Sobble, a tradeback for Zamazenta, and any sort of balltism you think is cool.
I'm not quite at the point where I've gotten the right natures/IVS, but soon (hopefully). I might also need a second to breed some of the things I have.