- Some good quality of life improvements — mainly nickname rater & move tutor/deleter being the same NPC, no more heart scales needed for move tutor, access to PC anywhere
- Raid battles are fun, but eventually get repetitive
- Nature mints + raid Pokemon having multiple perfect IV's makes getting desirable Pokemon a lot easier
- Seeing Pokemon appear in the Wild Area was genuinely impressive at first
- Ability to customize league cards was fun (customization options overall were also good)
- Music was okay, but it has the worst regular trainer battle & wild pokemon battle themes in the series by far
- Forced exp share might be a worse decision on GameFreak's part than the dex cut. Pokemon was never a challenging game, and the exp share just makes it even more braindead. As a result, it literally disincentives the player to do anything off the main path (not that there's much to do in the first place) because your team is already more than overleveled
- The dex cut (don't think I need to say much about this)
- A pitiful amount of new Pokemon (81 new Pokemon in SwSh, even less than SM's 88)
- Galar is a really small and linear region with no dungeons, and there's nothing to really explore
- No GTS
- Battle Tower is lame
- Dynamax is a shitty replacement for Mega evolution, although I'm fine with Z-moves gone
- Removed moves + changing up TM's. I get that GameFreak wanted the worthwhile moves to be rewards from raids, but nobody wanted fucking Screech or Charm as TM's.
- Hop is the second shittiest rival in the series (1st goes to the cocksuckers from XY)
- Re-hashing gym leader battles instead of having an Elite 4
Overall I enjoyed SwSh more than the entirety of Gen 6 (which isn't really saying much), but not more than I enjoyed Gen 7.