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trashmons everywhere edition
So what's the fastest way to spawn delibird raids to farm candy?
>>42011087 Still on, but I'm about to head out to bed. I'll continue tomorrow though.
By the way, first Durant of the night!
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First for snow baby
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Shiny HA G-max Hat pls.
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>>42011106 Leave cookies and milk by the switch dock overnight
>>42011111 Pls Elena do a bunch of last hosts with pass code, I managed to get only ninjask :/
I fucking hate how the raid boss can undo your stat changes. I was so ready for decorate spamming but nope. Stupid fucking god damn it fucking shit
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
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On the 20th day of Christmas, my SwSh Raid gave to me~
>>42011136 Okay. I'll do 1818 for people who can't get in. Please don't join if you have joined a lot.
hosting another gmax copperajah raid
>>42011163 At least joined to a Galvantula one!
I love you based Elena Anonymous
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>>42011162 Still can't get iiin FUUUUUUG (thank you anyway)
>>42011137 Why does this look like porn?
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>>42011162 im only trying to join when it's something i havent caught, managed to get galv and ninjask so far (ty)
Can changing the clock forward a day reset watt trader inventories too?
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>>42011181 uh.. anon? did you reply to the wrong person..
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Any anon shiny hunting raids for obstagoon?
Another room for slow folks coming up. Same code as before.
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>>42011220 Got it, thanks <3 not gonna enter in ninjask's cause I already have it
Do you lose items during raids like berries when used? Or is it like wifi and you get them back?
>>42011311 They're lost permanently and any HP/status changes are also kept after the battle.
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>>42011220 you haven't done a code yet
>>42011325 >>42011343 Guess I just have to suffer when I get burned or paralyzed and miss a dynamax turn then..
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
doing another gmax copperajah raid
>>42011351 You should be drowning in berries anon.
Dont give a shit for shiny raids I just wanna farm some exp candy im pissed off been trying to hatch a shiny sinistea and im like 30 boxes deep with nothing....anyone need help with raids?
>>42011374 I only have 10 lum and I'd need one on each of my dynamax pokemon for raids too
Things are slowing down so these will be the last raids of the night.
>>42011386 Do you not have a shiny charm? Should probably work on that before eggs
>>42011403 I do. Im also doing Masuda Method. I have no idea how I haven't gotten it
>>42011401 I just woke up noooooo. Sleep always makes
>>42011401 What are you hosting?
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>>42011411 *me miss everything
Woops. Someone teach me how to not need sleep please.
>>42011401 will you do more tomorrow? i really want a charjabug, anyway goodnight and thanks for hosting!
>>42011371 woooooop!
do you know it's stats and ability?
>>42011406 Have you accidentally said no to any eggs?
>>42011420 Shiny bugs
>>42011432 Definitely. I won't stop until I see a Vikavolt.
why are people flooding a metapod
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>>42011439 ty so much for hosting!
>>42011438 Just 1 by accident.....
>>42011439 Is this a gmax orbeetle den by chance? Or a different bug den?
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
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>>42011434 nope lol
hosting another one if you want to catch and see
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>>42011439 missed shiny Charjabug but got a Galvantula!
Wanted that Butterfree but I'm ok
Last one!
>>42011451 Yes, that one, but the non rare spawns.
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>>42011458 holy shit, hope we can get into it soon
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>>42011444 I want a red rocket
>>42011450 Anon... I had consistently got 1 shiny a day through eggs. The one time I said no to an egg it took me a week to finally get my shiny to hatch. Don't worry though, that egg totally wasnt the shiny.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42011406 It sounds like an awful case of bad luck. I'm 14 boxes into Dewpider and I'm starting to worry what's up
Ben (doctorben) SW-3701-6784-3508
>>42011479 Took me 2 weeks nonstop for Farfetch'd without the shiny charm while I still only had 2 badges.
>>42011479 >32 boxes of magikarp Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
>Bottle Cap Always the best thing to see after a raid.
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>>42011458 Got iiit, thanks Elenaaa!
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Any Gmax Centiskorch raids?
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>>42011394 Then use Cheri and Rawst?
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42011498 Glad to know I wasn't the only who made themself go through the trouble of finding a shiny for their ingame team
>>42011499 How does one suffer for that long??
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>>42011499 That's exactly what it took me for shiny Deino with shiny charm.
You can do it anon, i believe in you.
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
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hosting more gmax copperajah raids
>>42011479 >tfw finally figured out that you can skip the nickname part in settings to not have to bash the b button on rejects Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
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hosting more gmax copperajah raids
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do people get annoyed at surprise trade spam?
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>bringing a charizard with ember to a raid
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mimi let me innnnnnnn
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>>42011690 I realize am fucking dumb anon. It took me until post game to realize I could whistle at pokemon.
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>>42011703 Sorry, was the wrong Charizard
>>42011703 I caught a solrock and taught it cosmic power just to troll raids. It also knows earthquake. :^)
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
hosting more gmax copperajah raids
Mimi around? Just wondering if you might know, does time naturally passing count towards getting to the shiny seed? Like if I timeskipped to the shiny den and saved and waited irl 24 hours for whatever reason would I lose the shiny den? Could I reset the game (pull up the save I made before the 24 hours passed) and get the shiny back?
>>42011750 You could just heal pulse the enemy at that point.
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>>42011768 Can you add me? Looking for raids Legion SW 4427 2358 3600
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>>42011791 Kek that’s a good idea
Ben (doctorben) SW-3701-6784-3508
>>42011564 So because these games are ass-easy, I figured I'd make my own challenge for myself: Don't make any progress in the story until I get a shiny after every 2 gym badges. During this, I would also be surprise trading a fuckton so I could complete the dex asap--that way, I could have the shiny charm at the earliest possible moment (after getting badge 5, which I did). First shiny was Farfetch'd which took 2 weeks (tried chaining and hatching, then just hatching), then Impidimp through chaining which took 9 days, and then I got the shiny charm and hatched a shiny Dreepy in like 90ish eggs.
Here's the thing though: 2 days before the game came out, I had just finished a three day exam to complete my medical license that I had been studying for since May. 9 hours the first day, 7 hours the second, and 5 hours the third--I just found out 2 weeks ago that I passed.
So stuff like this? This was therapeutic comparatively. I just caught up on shows and stuff while doing it all.
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>>42011790 Probably.
I've heard other people say it happens.
lmfao i spent a week straight on hatching timid snorunts for shiny frosslass and finally got a male shiny, what's the easiest way to kill myself??
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>>42011817 nice blogpost fagoli
>>42011829 There's a exploit to evolve male combees into Vespiqueen. Maybe it works with snorunts.
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
hosting more gmax copperajah raids
>>42011854 do you get a male vespiqueen?
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>>42011750 I joined a Gmax corviknight raid yesterday
>everyone brings electric types >Turn 1 >Boltund uses Wild Charge >Togedemaru's Lightning Rod! Togedemaru's Sp. Atk increased! >Heliolisk used Thunderbolt! >Togedemaru's Lightning Rod! Togedemaru's Sp. Atk increased! >Galvantula used Electro Ball >Togedemaru's Lightning Rod! Togedemaru's Sp. Atk increased! >Togedemaru used Nuzzle Funniest raid I've been in.
>>42011829 dont know if its going to work but its your best shot
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
>>42011891 accidentally backed out of raid
sorry, join again
nikki - 5931-7978-2968
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thank you, mimi, for such a nice eevee raid made it twice now and it broke out both times, but i'm happy to even have the chance at getting it!
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>>42011894 its applicable to all mons so itll work
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>>42011897 no worries, ty for hosting this
what's the password for the Mimi raids?
>>42011854 yeah i heard about it but idt it works with stone evos unfortunately :/ thanks for the help tho
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>>42011859 >>42011897 Searchimg but stamp doesnt show up, stupid system xD
>>42011917 It should.
You can make the g-max eevee evolve with it.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
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>>42011905 They're probably doing it with friends if a code hasn't been shared
>>42011932 oh shit, lemme look into this then. do you have a video or anything showing that?
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
hosting one last gmax copperajah raid~
>>42011917 It works with stone evos. Also I’m hunting a square shiny gmax lapras den which means I can host shiny snorunts and frosslasses soon
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>>42011932 Only to Sylveon/Umbreon/etc
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>>42011955 The video that the other anon posted up there explain it, If I recall correctly.
>>42011894 Anonymous
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Trying to catch that Eeve in a heal ball is a pain in the ass
>>42011962 Tried to get there and it's full, damn my luck
One day i'll catch this fucking elephant
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
>>42011985 >>42011987 okay ill do one more for you two anons, you have me added?
Anyone else get soft locked in mimi eevee raid?
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>>42011969 oh hell yeah I can't wait, also based post number weed sex lmao
>>42012000 Yes, same code for the room? My name is Legion, you just added me
>>42012007 Yup, waiting...
>>42012000 yeah i keep joinin your raids, you don't have to stick around on my account tho
>>42012015 I reset, fuck it
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
>>42012014 >>42012026 alright im starting one up right now come in
>>42012027 I'll give it a couple of mins... and we are battling lol
>>42012053 I have no patience. Catch it? What ball?
>>42012074 Still battling , hoping forna Heal ball catch
>>42012082 And it broke, damn it
>>42012092 Damn. These things should have overworld catch rates right? Since they're not gmax or event
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>>42012039 Thanks anon, sorry for the shitty Coalossal, didnt get the elephant but still thanks for the chance
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>>42011137 I use Alcremie in raids sometimes. Decorate spam works if you're slower than the raid mon, and your attacking partner is faster. Works really well with Zacian.
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>>42012105 They do i think, but this one it's taking its time to catch on the ball i want
>>42012082 I got one of them shiny Eevees in a heal ball, heal ball being my ball of choice.
Got anything neat, pal?
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>>42012157 I don't think so, only shiny i have is that eevee in a dusk ball lol
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
Would a Nest ball work for a Shiny Espeon or a Friend Ball?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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Round three I think?
nikki - 5931-7978-2968
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just set up the eevee i got from mimi's raid. third time was the charm! got it in a dive ball. reason why is probably obvious.
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
I think this'll be the last chance for eevee raids as I'll probably move on from this den soon. I'll try to help anyone get any eevees they're missing, and I'll also need help getting the 3 I need. Try not to join unless you're planning on giving Eevees to others. I'll start the raids in about 15 minutes, with the code 3161
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Oh boy, hope I can get this apple.
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
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got one of those eevees happy day
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>>42012216 Thanks so much Mimi, your raids were a constant ray of sunshine amidst all the shitposting
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42012229 Good luck! Eventually it'll get caught right?
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>>42012216 Can i join until i get one in a heal ball?
>>42011969 nah idt it works with stone evos; that video only showed an umbreon and him having no luck trying to get vaporeon. thanks for the help tho, maybe i'll be able to get into one of those raids
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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Add me, want to do some raids
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okay that’s 3 years down and 9 to go. Taking a lil break between years
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>>42011189 Just an Alcremie doing Alcremie things
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42012317 Wait I can evolve one of my Eevees to a female Umbreon? I definitely need to check this out when I'm off work.
>>42012189 I went with Friend with Espeon and Nest for Leafeon
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Gmax Butterfree raid, code is 1742
dammit, based vort went back and I still haven't got a Master Ball ;-;
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012362 I'll have it up for a while! Probably still throughout tomorrow, my friend hasn't caught one yet either.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42012348 Interesting...well I hope I can at least get one of them in a ball. I'd gladly try to hop into Mimi's raid and do request for other anons
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
>>42012365 What are you up to? Been searching for raid stamps but nothing shows, just added you as Legion
>>42012365 I mean, I wish I can at least enter, haha
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012423 Resetting as fast as I can, I definitely accepted you though.
>getting real fucking tired of Snorlax (and friends) Earthquake and Rock Slide spam >look up who can learn Rock Slide, Earthquake, and Imprision >raise up a Claydol because FUCK SNORLAX >finally get into a battle >use Imprision >It works,except it doesn't LMAO ME GAME FREAK! ME HATE STRATEGY AND PRE-PLANNING ME UNGA BUNGA SMASH!!! ME LEAVE BATTLE 2 AR-N-GEE! ME GRUG FREAK!FUCK,MAX RAID! I FUCKING HATE THESE SHITS! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!
>>42012373 If you're doing requests, any chance I could get an eevee in a dusk ball if it doesn't have the HA and if it does, could I get one in a love/heal ball?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012440 Yeah, I definitely understand. People have been good about leaving after getting their catch so ideally it'll continue to lower the amount of traffic. I'd suggest early morning EST hours if you want a better chance though.
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>>42012443 This and the random stat resets the raids do to you....
>>42012449 yesterday I've got into the first raid of your Flapple, so I think the early morning is optimal to farm it
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012465 Yeah, the least I've seen online is around 13 from around those hours up until like noon probably. At peak hours I've seen like 50 people online but I can't really blame them. I'm at work too so resets aren't as fast as they can be but I'm trying.
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
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It keeps breaking free.
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
shit sorry i didn't mean to bring my bunny here, it happened because i reseted and i tought i still had my dog last time i tried to catch it in a friend ball and i failed so i reseted to keep my ball
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
>>42012216 I'm back and the raid is up.
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
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>>42012216 >I'll also need help getting the 3 I need Do you want them in some type of ball? I've caught a couple in luxery balls if you want.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42012447 I'll do my best to get in. It has its hidden ability last time I got in so I'll try Heal/Love
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
>>42012441 Got there, full room xD better luck next time I guess
>Accidently sent one hypertrained/minted shiny over surprise trade Well, hopefully one day theres gonna be another raid
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Can you tell if a Pokemon has its HA from the red/yellow background or does that only indicate IVs?
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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>>42012505 Could you add me? Name is Legion, sent you a request
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012504 If this is about Flapple I'm sure you're fine. Should go down easy.
>>42012511 Nice, congrats! Always feels good to get a Gmax in anything that's not a Master Ball.
>>42012523 Oof, keep trying anon, I'll keep resetting. It's just busy now I'm sure.
>>42012521 ty bb. You want anything in return? I've already got you added
>>42012480 got into two in a row, is this a dream?
three shakes in the first :(
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
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i'll try getting an eeve on a moonball and a love ball since we got those codes
>>42012527 oh fk wat was it?
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
>>42012537 Yeah, I'll keep trying to join, thanks for hosting
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012540 Ah yeah these rates are so shit. It may take a while but that's why I'm gonna try to keep this den up as long as possible.
>>42012551 No problem, good luck!
>>42012542 Grimmsnarl. Theres only been like two shiny raids (not the gmax)
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
Any work. If you do end up getting it in a rare ball, I can compensate you the ball during the trade.
>>42012561 damn bro that sucks I wish you could lock certain pokemon
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>>42012505 Can you accept my friend request?
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can someone post all the apricot ball codes?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012572 I never thought of this and now I'm mad that it hasn't been done. This is some prime QOL shit they should've given us a long time ago.
>>42012558 I was thinking on throw it a Friend Ball, you know balltism. Reset each time it doesn't get into it.
Anyways, what you do between these? It's so boring to be the host.
>>42012563 Well I can give you three in a Lux ball then, in a couple hours (should be free a little after 9:00, two hours from now if that works for you).
>>42012588 In pokemon Go you can. And in Lets go you can set favouritws as well
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What is raid code for flapple
caught the damn apple finally, thanks vort. will sit out now
>>42012600 How do you reset? Like can someone explain this? I have balltism and don’t wanna lose my apricot balls.
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>>42012563 8009 last 4 but nope
I'm doing wring :(
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42012600 I'm actually at work right now haha. I work from home mostly replying to texts/chats so it lets me host just while a bit distracted. Otherwise I've been rewatching 30 Rock and also finally watching the old Superman movies.
>>42012609 That's true, you're right about that. I have quite a few shinies locked and favorited. It would just be nice to have it in game when the Surprise Trade screen is so easy to get to.
>>42012622 Literally just save your game before entering the raid and load your save if your one ball doesn't capture the Pokemon.
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821 Code:7777
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apple broke out without even a wiggle..
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42012538 >catches Eevee in Love ball first try It's amazing how the capture rate rises when you help people. Yeah if you have a spare power item or a shiny with a bottle cap that'd be nice
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42012612 Congrats! And thank you for sitting out after, it definitely helps other anons get their chance.
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
Anyone else want an Eevee?
I am confused, what is the flapple password
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
>>42012588 Finally got in, time to test my luck
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012681 Good luck!
>>42012671 Just gotta read my posts anon.
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
>>42012691 Hit me up, last 4 of this post.
Jack | 4244-0932-2133
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Gonna be clearing random raids for awhile, mostly for candy. But hoping to find a shiny Delibird raid. Add if you ever want in- I do a lot of raids throughout the day.
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are the npcs gonna catch shiny eevee
>>42012657 >mfw I had 4 roserades and must have forgotten to save Big F. I can give you a shiny applin with a bottle cap though. Link code will be 0371
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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>>42012702 Thanks anon, whenever I get the chance I'll do the same
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
>>42012686 Apple escaped before first shake xD
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Aye legion, can you except my friend request?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012748 Oof, yeah, guest rates are pretty dumb. Not trying to scare you off but it took me multiple Lapras hosts and 62 raids in all to get my Gmax Lapras. I except to want to die when another anon finally gets a shiny Gmax one up.
Lemon SW-7431-0821-1821
got it~ thank you so much vort for your kindness
Did you need eevees still mimi?
>>42012729 different code, lets try 4929
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
>>42012777 I'll take one right now
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42012774 Oh wow, congrats! That was in very few tries, that's awesome.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
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>>42012729 >>42012778 Got it i'm coming right now
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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>>42012773 Thanks for the encouragment, I'll be patient and keep trying
Sorry for double dipping mimi but it was an eevee. Only wanted two.
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>>42012793 I'll keep doing them until you're done hosting, I came a bit late. I can trade more too as I catch them
Jack | 4244-0932-2133
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Adding a bunch of you anons, feel free to do the same.
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
>>42012822 I wasn't referring really to stopping after one. I was only trying to avoid people continueing after getting like 9 or something.
Chances are I'll literally run this all night
until Dudu wakes up. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Mimi still doing eevees?
Thank you Tachi, time to get a shiny Sylveon UwU
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>>42012869 Pleasure doing business with you
At least I hope it was you, I really wanted to ask what your ign was because I am not made of Love balls unfortunately ;; Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
>>42012850 mimi i got you an eevee on a dream ball, let me know when you can trade
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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Eevee escaped haha figures, will try again
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>fourth slot in the raid is free with 30 seconds left Is it dying down already?
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Two Eevees got out of my premiere balls. Horrible luck on me. But thank you Mimi you are based.
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
>>42012943 I quit joining to give others a chance, but I can join again if needed.
>>42012943 i think anons are just being nice and leaving after getting one
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012957 Hmm, I'm thinking it was probably some weird fluke but we'll see how the next few raids go.
>>42012958 That is awesome actually, I'm just surprised more who haven't gotten it yet aren't trying. I have like 40 friends online right now, most of them from this general.
Mimi 7703-7892-8009 Code:3161
>>42012896 Yeah it was me, honestly I could have given you another love ball if you wanted it
>>42012977 >>42012983 What are y'all hosting? Just got here.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42012996 Shiny Gmax Flapple with HA, and Mimi is hosting shiny Eevees.
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Thank you so much Mimi, caught three Eevee in my favorite balls. You're a real MVP
>>42013002 dafuq
didn't know Mimi was hosting shiny eevees and I was here all this time.
thought they were regular ones, tho. vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013015 At least I'm fairly certain haha. That's how I got my shiny Eevees a few days ago. I've been hosting so I haven't been doing raids otherwise.
>>42013015 Mimi been hosting shiny eevees for a couple days now
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
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>>42012988 It's fine I'm not too hung up on the Love Ball really I just want to try and get Eevee in a Friend Ball
>>42013029 How does one into these shiny raids?
>>42013028 >>42013029 fuck, now I want one... are they HA?
>>42013042 join the discord first bro
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013070 This anon here
>>42013049 has been mentioning seeing Mimi's raids going on on their Y-Comm so I wouldn't exactly call them that.
>>42013071 >>42013042 This guy definitely is though lmao.
I would also like to know if the Eevee are HA or not to know what ball to catch it in.
Legion SW-4427-2358-3600
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Thank you for hosting Mimi
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>>42013084 not a tourist, I just don’t follow this thread much. Been too busy trolling /pol/ with Lucario feet pix
>>42013071 invite code: NGrpNs
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
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>>42013071 you gotta pay us 10 dolarydoos on patreon that gives you acces to our discord
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
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Is someone gonna let him in on the sekrit k1ub or not?
I was legit paying 5$ sub for a chance at shiny raids hosted by a poke influencer but glad shinyraids discord linked here for the shiny gmax charizard
i got my 3 eevees for the only shinies eeveelutions that are worth it, aka, umbreon, vaporeon and sylveon i am still butthurt that espeon shiny is shit
Got it on the 3rd attempt. Thanks so much for hosting vort!
>>42013042 I've gotten a ton from /r/FreeShinyRaids
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>>42013100 shiny Sylveon, here I go.
are you accepting people, Mimi? Anonymous
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Eevee hates me and my dream balls.
>>42013128 Go back and stay there
>>42013120 based zoomer retard
>>42013123 WRONG espeon shiny is amazing, i love my little alien
>>42013135 >>42013150 >not maximizing resources yikes from me
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You know somewhere out there, a guy is charging people to check their seeds.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013135 Anon why. If this is real I'll be pretty mad. I'm going to dislike the new Star Wars as much as anyone else but I still want to see it without spoilers ...
>>42013123 Umbreon with HA is kinda bad tho
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>>42013135 Maybe go pop your head over there
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>>42013126 What if it was GREEN
Espeon was always my favorite eeveelution growing up but the shiny is so bad
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>>42013175 >be me >forced to go see Söy Wars because boss bought out a theatre for highest paying patients >only employee who didn’t dress up because it was optional and I don’t want to be photographed there >movie starts with Rey floating and shitty deepfake Leia telling her she’s the stronkest Jedi ever now >C3P0 has to get his memory wiped by a tiny Mexican accent alien because he refuses to even SPEAK white supremacist language >Po (nigger) finds another traitor stormtrooper gap-toothed negress love interest who uses a literal bow and arrow and rides horses >she’s stronk too >Emperor Palpatine is back as actually the main villain again cuz Snoke was a fucking retarded name and nobody liked him >main kike Sith is still obsessed with Rey and gets one shotted multiple times by Rey because womyn stronk, men weak >climax of movie is Palpatine easily handling sith guy but Rey is too stronk and she one shots him cuz all past Jedi give her power or something >Palpatine(with a suspiciously orange backlight over his face): ”NO, HOW? WE WERE SUPPOSED TO RULE SUPREME???” >Rey(with negress, Poe, and that one Mexican pilot guy behind her): “Because we are the RESISTANCE!” >*kills him* >niggers raise fist in the air >suddenly all the Galaxy shows up in ships and kills entire white colored starship fleet >”That’s not government forces...they’re just...the People.” >*niggers killing white stormtroopers scene* >next scene is all rebels cheering and (unironically) a three second camera focus on two random female resistance fighters sharing a sensual lesbian kiss >Kike sith solo dude becomes one with the force and Movie ends with Rey burying luke’s Lightsaber on tattooine Anonymous
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Got one in a premier ball, is that ball good for balltism?
>>42013164 >maximizing resources >paying real money Anonymous
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>>42013161 now, sir, we have a problem.
If I give an Ability Capsule to a HA mon will it change to the normal one?
>>42013194 Nope, it doesn't work on HA mons
so i am confused I thought if the raid host was say Japanese, then me joining the raid would let me catch a Japanese Pokemon. Is this not correct?
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>>42013176 Umbreon is better with regular Ability.
>>42013207 Well fuck.
>>42013191 and you have 130 ot shinies not pkhexed?
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>>42013224 fuck well that sucks
anyone want a ENG ditto for any other language ditto?
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>>42013219 no why would i need that many shinies
>>42013219 >implying it makes a difference if they're injected holy fuck you ARE a retard
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013187 Thank you for making this giant post easy to skip, anon, even if it's probably fake.
>>42013240 I record all my catches
when they ask where's ya proof
I got it
You? Everyone will assume fraud
>>42013241 if the apple raids arent filling up i can come help, already caught one tho
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013271 "But I'm not a rapper."
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>>42013271 For your sake I hope you're just shitposting.
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>this nigger using belly drum
Kenn 7601-8472-7032
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just looking for some friends for to raid with. thank you if you add me
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is raid eevee base 50% or something
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013277 Nah, they're definitely filling up still, I think it was just some weird fluke with people not seeing the stamp in time.
T@chi 1319-9426-7793
>Dive ball actually managed to work on Eevee Well, that was a panic mode because I don't know what would fit it...
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Mimi just added you under Dex, lmk if you are still accepting friend requests <3
>>42013352 I've got like 3 of them in dive ball, it's the perfect fit for glacion
what's Mimi's raid code? couldn't find it in the thread, lmao
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>>42013358 got one in a lure ball for vaporeon
what's the discord got here from ajp lul
>>42013376 tried with the last one who was posted and didn't have luck
>>42013391 Check /r/FreeShinyRaids
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013394 If that's the case they may be raiding with other friends and no longer for /vp/ at the moment.
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>>42013394 are you using his trade room codes?
look next to his 4chan name for code
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i love how comfy the eevee raid is, just got the last one i needed
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Finally got my dream ball eevee Ty Mimi.
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I just need one last Eevee to get all the Eeveelutions that don't look like shit.
Splod 0437-9733-7500
>>42013411 Hey I just got off work you still hosting?
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I’ve lost to the same robombee raid three times in a row and the den won’t reset
Ign: Victor 7277
Hi guys I finally reached my shiny seed again Anyone mind explaining to me how to properly save my back up date so I don't mess it up like last time? My regular save file is 3 resets away from the shiny
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>>42013483 what's your fc bro
>>42013483 holy shit, it's shiny G-Gengar?
How can I join the eevee raids
Ign: Victor 7277
>>42013501 yes its a gmax gengar den
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013465 Yep, just at work for me so resets are slower than they could be.
>>42013511 Nigga are you illiterate?
>>42013509 ask in the discord
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Oh shit forgot to swap out pikachu in the flapple raid
Splod 0437-9733-7500
>>42013511 Friendcode? Also is there really a discord?
Ign: Victor 7277
Quoted By:
>>42013509 did you watch the austin john video?
Where can I find the discord?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013483 You can make sure a backup is set by completing a trade three days before that. Then a regular save on the day of the shiny. Just don't fly anywhere as this will overwrite your backup. Honestly just don't move from the den and you should be good. Then hit Y, Up and B at the same time on the start menu to load the backup.
>>42013521 I'm confused because he answered your question just fine. You even answered a question that was already answered in the post you replied to ...
Splod 0437-9733-7500
>>42013526 Link to the discord?
>>42013483 Load your regular save.
Now either successfully trade or fly and run back.
Save again.
Advance to the shiny.
If you want to host it, save only once.
As long as you don't do anything other than load that save, host a raid, then quit, your backup should be protected.
>>42013521 >>42013544 >>42013545 Apparently I am since I replied to the wrong post.
Splod 0437-9733-7500
>>42013552 >dont fly >>42013561 >fly >sweatingman.jpg Ign: Victor 7277
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>>42013552 Hi vort are you online?
Mind doing a trade with me then?
Splod 0437-9733-7500
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>>42013570 oh shit let me generate a new one
here u go
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>>42013550 It's on /r/FreeShinyRaids
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013566 You know, part of me thought this could be the case right after I posted. So many people asking for information they could already have so it makes sense that this would be said.
>>42013572 Pretty sure he's saying to fly to /set/ the backup save, as this is going to clear the old backup. I just did this by trading instead. If you fly again it's going to rewrite it.
>>42012563 >>42012605 Alright Mimi, I have the three Eevees for you now. IGN is Dopekid, I will have a trade up at 0258
Oh shit, Flapple is still going on? I couldn't get it yesterday, maybe I have more luck now...
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is this 8/10 bait being posted right now
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>>42013584 dude it said NIGGER PENIS and you TYPED IT IN lmao
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013597 Yep, it's going to be up for a while honestly. I still have friends irl that will be trying for it in the next few days and I'm not in a rush to get rid of the den.
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
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>>42013597 yes, that apple doesn't even shake for any of my dusk balls
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Welp these Eevee raids are getting full too fast and I should probably get some sleep, maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow if you're still around. Either way thanks for hosting Mimi!
>>42013592 Some random Jap joined so maybe using Mudkip's number for the code wasn't smartest. I will put trade code at 6783 because that seems random
Ign: Victor 7277
>>42013606 oh youre hosting a raid so i guess you cant trade right now lmao
>>42013611 Okay nevermind some other dude joined as soon as I put the code up.
How the heck do you people trade? Mimi if you can give me a code I will join that, sorry.
>>42013606 will you be doing shiny applins again? ive been at work everytime youve hosted it unfortunetly
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013620 Oh yeah I won't be able to trade until I go back to my backup, which would make me reroll for Flapple again. It'll be a while before I do anything in my game other than host honestly.
>>42013611 >>42013621 I don't think he's reading right now
usually he'll post thr code tho
people try to snipe trades here
>>42013621 Wouldn't worry about it. I'm just going to continue hosting.
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keep trying to catch w dream ball, no success yet and no mons with yawn
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>>42013630 I figured I would just leave the trade up and wait for whenever he can read it but man, these trade snipes are dirty.
Well, I still have the stuff for you Mimi, whenever you do read this just let me know.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013623 Definitely, just not for at least a day probably. I'm just sticking with Flapple for now until enough people get it, though I can also reroll for that later too.
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mimi any clue how long u will host for??
>>42013635 Oh alright then. Thank you for hosting. I will try these extra to someone else another day then.
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If Mimi is still here, could they except my fire d invite
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>>42013656 Could I have one of those extra if it's in a Dive ball? I need a Glaceon.
someone definitely told others about the eevee raids
okay every faggot asking for “the discord” needs to go
Drew plz press A holy shit
So, did Tengu ever leave his code or maybe someone else with shiny delibird showed up? No, I'm not reading the whole thread.
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>>42013719 ye he did eventually
Ign: Victor 7277
welp guess it's time to host now
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>>42013718 Sorry im playing online Poker with my friends and didn't even realize i got in
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
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>>42013684 >>42013699 Things will clear up when the holiday season is over. It just has to be toughed out.
>>42013671 Lucky I still have 11 years to go
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>>42013731 time to rustle up a master ball
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mimi can you add me? my switch name is chase, havent been able to get in on any raids yet :D
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013731 Oh gosh I'm getting in on this and using a Master Ball. Do we have any info on stats/ability?
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>>42013731 fucccckkkkk you are the man
all hail based victor
>>42013731 is your switch name victor?
If so I don't have you.
Quoted By:
Got a Master Ball now... but it seems like I'm not going to use on Flapple... I want that Gengar lol.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013752 OH FUCK I'M HOSTING SO I CAN'T. How long will this be up? I will reroll Flapple if necessary.
>>42013763 Remember if wiki is still resetting for gengar there will be another chance
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
Quoted By:
>>42013768 That is true yeah. I guess I can wait. It's so tempting though with it right here ...
Ign: Victor 7277
>>42013763 Don't worry I'll probably host until christmas
>>42013757 My switch name is 54p0 with the mii in the sexy pose
>>42013763 I can try and catch you one Vort, but I wasted my master ball so it might be difficult to get two.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013781 Awesome! In that case I'll just wait on it for a bit, thank you!
>>42013787 Thanks, but it's okay! I kind of want to catch it for myself and Gengar was the one I was tempted to actually use my Master Ball for. If I have time I'll let my balltism take over after though.
Rayu SW 2433 0390 4052
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>>42013781 guess I don't have you yet, I'd appreciate an add, if you want that is.
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which mon and move is best counter for gengar I got 999L/XL candies
Splod 0437-9733-7500
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>>42013781 I got you added
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
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>>42013731 i sent you a friend request, im honestly still more interested in capturing this damn apple but if vort is gonna join i should give it a try too
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>>42013781 sweet sexy victor
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
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>>42013822 bro you were the first person i thought of when i saw this, based wiki we still love you
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
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>>42013822 you'll get it someday bro
Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
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>try to spread pokerus >forget it's past midnight and my mons lose it
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>>42013731 can you post your fc?
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013822 I'll wait for you Wiki, you'll get there!
>>42013805 Thanks so much for doing the Appletuns. I'm still trying to get in to catch one but I appreciate it anyway, your a bloody hero
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>>42013822 I believe in you Wiki. Don't lose hope!
>>42013822 to be fair you're going blind without the seed, it can be something crazy like 7000
Ign: Victor 7277
Quoted By:
>>42013822 I tried to tell them wiki I tried to stop them every time. I’m still waiting for yours
hey mimi! my ign is star & co. if you could add me plsssss
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013852 It's unfortunately Flapple and not Appletun (I like Appletun way more too) but I'm glad I can help! Looking forward to an eventual Shield bro hosting a shiny Appletun as well one day.
my switch name is bashi mimi if you could accept! <3
Ign: Victor 7277
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>>42013860 that's honestly impressive now I feel bad ):
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I can't wait for Victor's G-Gengar... aaaaa
Holy shit this Austin John guy ruined us
>>42013877 >>42013893 ask in the discord channel he doesn't read here
i need victors secret fc....
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Hopefully Vic hosts gengar for a while because I doubt I'm gonna try for it until later.
imagine if 4chan was archived it would be fc galore cough cough
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>>42013925 It’s posted in the discord
Jojo !!6qhQ73dZkkt
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42013942 Maybe even a link to the old thread, and any other helpful questions and answers could be available. That'd be asking for too much though.
>>42013956 tourists don’t read the OP
sorry mimi if I'm popping up a lot he's not a fan and breaks out a lot
Ign: Victor 7277
ok first raid will be codeless
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42013968 They literally come in here asking if the OP is available to answer questions or some shit. I was laughing so hard.
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>>42013975 I'm trying Beast Ball
;-; Anonymous
Quoted By:
I use premier on everything except fuck gmax as guests I'll use repeat/master
Memo SW-3892 9058 0505
Finally i got my apple, jesus that's the longest it has taken me to catch a g max
got into Victor's G-Gengar... gonna launch my Master Ball, lmao.
Quoted By:
I still have never caught a gmax flapple lol
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42014024 Nice, congrats!
>>42014030 >got into Victor's G-Gengar... gonna launch my Master Ball, lmao. post iv nat abil
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>>42014030 Dude same, I'm so glad I don't have to worry about this. Thank you Victor!
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>>42014042 Ability is always cursed body my man.
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>>42013977 X/31/31/31/31/X
Cursed Body
Ign: Victor 7277
ok now code is the middle 4 digits of my fc
Quoted By:
>>42014060 wow anon, rude.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42014060 Don't be mean to Wiki anon, he's been trying to get a shiny Gmax Gengar for us all since before seeds were even a thing.
>>42014062 >hasn't gotten in >about to get in >Password randomly changes >Seconds later this shit is pulled Do you think I fucking remember your switch's name asshole? For fucks sake.
That fucker disabled my Specs Hydreigon and put me to sleep. Also Forgot to take off the Master Ball from the Pokémon who was traded to me ;-;
>>42014078 the thread was better before seeds..
>>42014082 SEETHING redditard
Quoted By:
>>42014082 gmax brings the worse outta redditors
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42014085 It was better before everyone got mad about what other anons were raiding, yes.
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>>42014086 I'm still right you faggot.
Ign: Victor 7277
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>>42014082 lmao
code is the same as befor :)
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72xx xx61 xx06
>>42014103 I miss running rando raids with dogs for candy.
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new thread when I'm tired of always making them
>>42014103 Don’t know what’s wrong with me but have missed the last 15 apples by what feels like a fraction of a second
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..Does the switch friend page really not display friend codes of people already added? Please tell me I'm retarded
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>>42014082 >dont be mean to an abusive shitposter thats known to ruin threads Nathan SW-2557-5948-7672
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Glad I was around to see this. I'm happy to get to join in the raid Victor!
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42014162 Same, but I've been a shinyfag like my whole life, I can't deny I'm not loving access to some of my favorites here.
>>42014190 Oof, that sucks. Now that I'm off work though my resets should be a bit quicker.
Quoted By:
could you add me back imi? my name is Manuel plsssss
Ign: Victor 7277
Maybe last code was a bit much but i've been posting my fc for a couple of days now so i was just trying to give priority to the people here
Nathan SW-2557-5948-7672
Quoted By:
>>42014219 I like shinies and all but I can't say I'm having fun catching them this way. It's more stressful than regular hunting.
Quoted By:
>>42014230 no it was absolutely based ty for keeping the tourists out for a little while
>>42014219 >tfw 30 apples IN THE END
What’s the fastest way to reload y comm? Disconnect and reconnect to internet?
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>>42014230 Nah it wasn’t bad, newfags just don’t know how to look at previous threads
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>>42014230 senpai please don't change the code right when I found it ahh
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>>42014230 nah it made the reddit newtards seethe so it was good
Yes yes yessss This is the situation I've been waiting for.
>>42014239 Then time skip a den you want yourself because it’s guaranteed catch plus if you share with people it’s the added bonus of good feels?
Quoted By:
>>42014281 We probably still won, but it was still amazing.
>>42014239 Then don’t catch them, makes no difference to any of us
>>42014286 I'm still waiting to get someone to check for me.
I guess I could just start skipping but it seems faster with the pkhex element.
Quoted By:
>>42014281 idk wats happening
Quoted By:
3 b2b shiny hosts all full looks like it's that time of day
Ign: Victor 7277
I'm doing codeless raids for now but if you see one with a code its 0451
Quoted By:
>>42014299 Yeah I wouldn’t bother skipping yet chances are you have a retarded seed. Dudu was here earlier and he will be back in .. I don’t know i haven’t kept track of the time. He said he’d be back in 10-12 hours when he left whenever that was
Quoted By:
>>42014320 got it first try, thanks for hosting!
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42014246 Y-you can do it anon.
>>42014230 This is fine and I do this sometimes because I've been using the same code for like over a week now.
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seeing the gengar raid stamp pop up is tempting........okay back to my 12 year grind
Ben (doctorben) SW-3701-6784-3508
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>>42013781 Phew good, I'm going to bed lol. Add me for tomorrow?
>>42014239 dude there's literally 300+ queues in the discord
this is much better
>>42014373 >in the discord Anonymous
>>42014373 You need to go back
>>42014389 soz about half of us are from the shinyraids discord
Quoted By:
>>42014373 and this is why for the first day of my raid I’m not going to add new people
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Darck SW-2955-8364-2793
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Fuck I pressed A twice and brought the shiny apple I'm trying to pass Pokerus to. Rip.
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
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>>42014402 Oh god they're everywhere.
>>42014402 god damnit, first austin john now discords too? fucks sake
my game is stuck in front of a raid before any of the moves loaded, is there anything I can do without resetting? lmao
>>42014436 Don't forget about me
Quoted By:
>>42014458 just reset, it happened now to the Eevee raid.
>being from the discord/reddit >then complaining about the discord/reddit never change 4chan
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>>42014458 It can come back but who knows how long that can take
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
Quoted By:
>>42014466 I feel so warm just seeing you here again. Thanks for sticking around.
>>42014470 Name one person
Go ahead
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
>>42014484 I can't tell what you're asking this anon to prove but
>>42014373 here is literally doing what he's saying.
Wiki SW-1987-6468-5963
>>42014470 The discord gatekeeps their raids, no wonder people there feel the need to come here. We should just let them join our fun even if things get a little crowded.
Quoted By:
what is vort hosting?
>>42014496 I may be retarded but I don't see them complaining about reddit/discord, just mentioning it.
the least these faggots can do is assimilate and make an effort, time travel for a shiny raid to share with people instead of just leeching. Fucking annoying
vort 1370-4523-5436 link: 3329
Quoted By:
>>42014515 Are people paying for these raids or some shit?
I'll need some details on this. >>42014522 I'm sorry anon, I don't know what to tell you.
>>42014526 This, it'd be nice if anyone else would contribute but I guess it's hard to if others are hosting nice shit. It was much easier to just post up a Sword exclusive raid and enjoy it with fellow anons before this shit.
Quoted By:
the major reason that discord is absolutely retarded and useless is the scarcity of raids is by and large manufactured by CFW being bannable. Not just using it yourself but talking about it or mentioning someone checking your seed, bannable. Thousands of people in there I guarantee a few of them can seed check or know a seed checker which would create a big influx of shiny raids. But the faggots in charge are powertripping or retarded or something
Quoted By:
>R:478 >Not a sticky Jesus, that’s a lot of replies
Quoted By:
was the code changed for the eevee raids? if so could I get it pls