>>42756558It's the reality you're in, you stupid cunt. Deal with it. DO NO trust your valuable Pokemon in Home right now, maybe ever. You're the same kind of cunt who told me Bank wouldn't follow through on the threat to delete your guys if your payment lapsed but they sure as fuck did it to me you motherfucker. In a perfect world, you'd have to sign a legally binding document when you shitposted your "hurr makin it up" cuntery, agreeing that each and every person who lost things could legally take their frustration out on anyone who said it wasn't a problem. Your billionaire-defending ass should be stomped into the fucking ground, on Christmas, in front of your whole family, right as grandpa is about to cut the turkey. Every Pokemon that gets lost, you should bleed for. Not because a Pokemon is that valuable or something
more valuable than your life though unifonically. But because corporation defenders, fuckup-defenders, demoralizing agents, and other scum should bleed for their cancerous, heinous mentality that keeps everything in life just a liiittle worse than it would be if you were all dead and not helping failures and scammers get away with it.
Apologists get the noose.