>>43075128Number of trades is a completely meaningless figure.
I can trade a sandshrew for an ekans whenever, but I can't trade an ivysaur for a charmeleon so easily.
It requires that damned coordination - you NEED to know kids that have the pokemon you need at the stage you need. If you had two other friends that picked all the things you didn't but don't coordinate and just do whatever, you're still shit out of luck - you won't be getting 6 of the starters and the base fossils and you WILL need some other kid, preferably one who is just about to start so they can hand out starters for everyone (and at least one of you three will still be out of luck since they can only get one fossil).
And how many kids did you know willing to throttle their game progress so three differnet people can perfectly match their progress?
Back in the day I managed to get most of them but not all, and obviously nobody wanted to go through the whole game just so I could get the last missing entries.
Fortunately GSC came shortly after and solved my woes, but it wasn't pretty and it didn't need to be that way.
Gen 3 was also pretty ugly because of the sheer amount of games you needed (ruby, sapphire, fire red, leaf green and colosseum at the bare minimum iirc) but at least you barely needed any coordination. Just get anything whenever, ditto will take care of the rest.
You could replace colo with emerald, but do you really want to complete the regional dex three times?>>43075297Nobody at my school had a N64. Did it hand out extra free copies of all the missable mons?