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Regional Forms were a Mistake

No.43700060 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I see a lot of people frequently say how much they love regional forms, and while I understand why they do, I wanted to explain why they're wrong. No, it has nothing to do with the designs themselves (some are nice in my opinion, but others are kinda shit and desu they lean way too much into the "lol just add human features to it" but that's an aside)

My biggest problem with regional forms is that they clutter the Pokedex and blur lines far too much. Let me ask you, what makes a Pokemon an entirely new Pokemon, and what makes them a form? Different typing? Different movepool? Different evolution methods? Different evolutions entirely? Different base stats? Regional forms have all of those and more. So, why aren't they different Pokemon?

It takes the relative simplicity of a Pokemon and makes it so much more complicated and awkward. Now, instead of showing a Pokemon species and knowing what it is, a newcomer now ahs to anticipate if it has a regional form, and God damn shit is confusing. Seriously, look at Meowth's evolution line now. It's literally digimon tier now. Why can't certain regional forms like Exeggutor for example just be normal new evolutions? Those worked fine in the older games.

And lets not ignore futureproofing. Effectively, these evolutions are game-locked, and you'll have to rely on trading from those games, or hoping they add them as an ingame trade. That's just bullshit. Ultimately, all regional forms are is just awkwardly forced in new Pokemon with an old Pokemon's coat of paint and dex number, it's awkward clutter and makes things convoluted.