>>43799343I think you have your stats there incorrect OP, /vp/ has more women browsing than most other boards except /cgl/ and /soc/ but it's still majority male. Also MtF trannies are an annoyingly vocal minority on this website in general.
>>43799396Most pokemon fangirls are already taken, especially ones that were alive during 90's pokemania.
I don't understand why people don't get that in a hobby/career that is more oriented towards a specific sex, those that are of the opposite sex are most likely taken because of all the options they have, assuming they're not gay.
>Examples: male nurses, female doctors/STEM, male cosplayers, male cosmotologists, female cartoonists and animators, etc. etc.It's why straight people shouldn't expect their partners/spouses to be in ALL the same shit they like or do. Part of the fun of a relationship is the difference in your hobbies/careers and being able to swap interesting information with your SO, and having a place away from your partner/spouse when you need a break. (boys' night and girls' night stuff)
Also, and this is a weeb problem in general but it applies here too, pokemon fans I've met IRL need to take care of their hygiene and lose weight. This applies to both sexes.
>>43799902Zoophiles love furry content and zoosadists are nearly all male, same with pedophiles/"MAPs". This is why normie women avoid furries like the plague.