>>44309645Main reason HBD is a "problem" is because Smogon unironically been too reliant on Stealth Rock (and specifically Stealth Rock, not Hazards in general) being the corner stone of the Meta to start with for like what? a decade now? no fucking shit it was all gonna come down when the (frankly inevitable, im surprised it took this long actually) Anti-Trap Hold Item came along and kicked that foundation away.
That said, i think Item Clause (Only one of a item on a team, no duplicates) is honest just all that is "needed" if they gonna band-aid it, but honestly it is something the means the OTHER rules and bans may need checking over too, since as said, those rulings were made on the assumption Stealth Rock was there to stay (Was admitedly a time since i read one, but i recall many suspect test arguments over the years had SR interactions/calculations as major points for/against things).
People wanted a Shake-up in the Meta with the DLC added content and here it is.
>>44312054I think the main deal with SR is that it is "economic" since at neutral it is "just" a layer of Spikes, but if anything is weak it is the same as 3layers (or better), that is pretty good because it is easier to shit out Sneaky Pebbles and then do other shit once then having your Spiker get three turns, and that is not going into Flyers and Levitate ignoring Spikes, Rocks may do SHIT damage when resisted, but at least it does something.
Stealth Rock is also BY FAR the most common Hazard Move, not just in usage, but most common to be learned by Pokémon, so no shit it is what people gonna complain about, it is the one most seen, it is easy to get on a ton of shit and easy to use with good non-stat dependent mileage out of a single moveslot.