>>44327877Spinda's pattern is determined by it's personality value, a 32-bit integer, seemingly making 4,294,967,296 unique combinations. There's a small discrepancy however, 2 of the dots appear in 256 locations, 1 dot appears in 254 locations, the last dot appears in 237 locations, improving the odds to 3,945,136,128 (although over a billion of these are visually indistinguishable, the 4 dots overlapping or appearing off the head entirely.) Shiny variants double the number to 7,890,272,256. Shininess is calculated using the trainer's ID and SID, lowering the number of attainable shiny Spinda patterns for each save game to 963168. So the chance of getting any shiny Spinda is ~0.0001, and a unique pattern is lowered to ~0.000001. It's possible that identical shiny Spindas have been found before, but we'd never know it. This also doesn't factor the shiny odds increase in gen 6. There's a pattern visualizer app you can check out:
http://pokemon.thundaga.com/spinda/Spinda%20Painter.htm (fun fact: the hex 88888888 creates a perfect default pattern)
t. i have no life