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Y'know what? Fuck it. Let's REALLY talk about Sword and Shield's plot

No.44793384 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't know where to start with this. I'm mad, I'm fuckin' frustrated. I have gears tuning in my stupid thick fucking skull and just wanna make a thread where we all just post complaints and reasons about how fucking HARD Gamefreak (or whoevers writing the stories for these games) dropped the fucking ball with Sword and Shield's plot.

Now, I get it, Marnie is shy - she's not confident in herself or her ability to battle, so Pier's (her big brother) forms Team Yell as a sort of "support group", which basically turns into a loud and obnoxious group of fans who want Marnie to succeed no matter the cost. Marnie kinda doesn't like Team Yell at all because they're being REALLY overprotective and causing way more shit than they're fixing. Eventually this all culminates with Marnie and the Protag' teaming up to tell Piers to tell Yell to fuck off with their annoying affairs and let the Pokemon sports-thing go off with messing with the contenders. Alright? Alright.

Now the problem is, Team Yell doesn't really... do anything..? Like, I hear the saying "A hero is only as good as their villain," but I feel like than needs to be added upon: "A STORY is only as good as it's villain." If there's no real threat to push us along through the story then why the hell should I care about these characters? Team Yell probably has to be the least intimidating antagonists I've seen in a videogame period Like, besides blocking off some contenders in the hotel lobby and closing that ONE door in Spikemuth, what the hell did Team Yell DO to the player during to all that downtime? Not... much. Besides the mandatory pokemon battles, they don't make any impact on the world around them. Hell, you could remove their battle from the game and it REALLY wouldn't make that much of a difference!
