>>45345410>Lum Berryfair
>Chesto Berryshit item, would work on a dedicated counter
>Insomnia, Vital Spirit monsHypno, Noctowl, Ariados, Delibird, Banette, Honchkrow, and Gourgeist. Only Honchkrow is actually usable.
>Early Bird monsDodrio, Kangaskhan, Ledian, Xatu, Sunflora, Girafarig, Houndoom, Shiftry. All shitmons.
>Sleep Talk Shit move, also a dedicated counter.
>Mons that put statuses on themselvesThis one works, but how many of those are there? How many are any good? Gliscor and Conkeldurr?
The sum total of reliable counters you mentioned include Lum Berry, Insomnia Honchkrow (not Moxie or Super Luck), Gliscor with Protect, and Conkeldurr with Protect/Detect.