>>45806943>>45806948>>45806971Friends, no need to dig any deeper. Someone has to push back against all this inanity, I make no excuses for that. And if I'm allowed some fantasy and inanity I model myself after Ploutarkhos of Khaeronea and that corpus is my moralia. But in all seriousness it speaks volumes that you lot had to go digging up old posts, very sad friends.
>>45806903Time and time again I've heard that argument but it doesn't hold up. You're not looking at an alien race, you're looking at what is essentially an alien beast. As I have said in the past, that literally doesn't matter, in the context of pokemon all of them are beasts. Not only in the manner they are presented, living in the wild with no concept of nation, civilization or state, and their interactions with humanity are almost like that of man and real life beasts. It's not uncommon in media for there to be smart beasts but at the end of the day they're not treated as people but as beasts. It is not a hard concept to grasp, friend. Boots, swiper the fox and the animal characters in Dora the Explorer can talk and have human level intelligence, or so it seems, but they're still very much animals in the context of that show and these are beast that display more on screen intelligence than almost all pokemon. This is different than from what the khajiit and argonoans are in the ES universe which is to say they're people.
Simple enough to understand that my own child can understand it yet a man of age has trouble understanding why fictional bestiality is bad. You're very much welcomed to engage in your zoofilic fantasies but don't be surprised when you're called out on it in public space, friend.