Eterna for Sinnoh, although I'd say any of these
>>46212618>>46212418>>46210295would be first picks, also Agate VIllage when it's time to retire since it's not really a place for young people to live and realistically I'd end up either running errands for my neighbors all the time or extremely bored. Can we get a Platinum villa as a standard feature like trainer customization has become except instead of "here, have this specific building" it's you get to buy any one of the empty buildings that are just there to make the maps look larger, in any city in the game? Similar to secret bases, but actually part of society. Having the unused buildings/rooms of big buildings for sale would be a good way to make the world feel a bit more real and actually make the maps a bit larger without necessarily having to spend time/resources creating a lot of content to fill it since they'd all just be the empty template for that style of building for the player to decorate however they like.