>>47207773>Fucking boring shit that you only force yourself to do just so you can get shitty movesYou also get a cool surfing Pikachu if you get a high score and the Tutor moves are not shit at all. And even without that, it's a fun way to travel between the islands if you don't want to fly or take the boat
>Fucking worthless shitIt's a cute feature that let's you take photos with your bros with tons of backgrounds and stickers. And if you transferred from a previous game, then that pokemon will even have an exclusive background of the region it's from.
>Gimme battle frontier and I'll play your post game. Once I finished the rocket episode, I straight up deleted the game because what's the fucking pointBattle Frontier is cool but it's not as amazing as you make it out to be. USUM still had good postgame without the battle frontier
>Any examples? The only good quest was the eevee one with the old fagsLike the Drifloon one at the school, or the one in Heahea where you reunite an old guy with his friends at the hotel, or the Dartix one for example
>SWSHills taught me that more pokemon = badBut in reality more pokemon is always good
>It's the same fucking baby game. Play romhacks if you care about difficulty because USUM is barely a step above SMPokemon isn't exactly know for difficulty, but battles like Guzma's at the Aether Paradise or some of the totems can genuinely catch you off guard which is a step in the right direction at least
>And that's reason enough for someone to play SM instead of USUM. If you don't give a shit about lackluster post game, then just play SM and delete the game after finishing it. Or even better: don't even bother touching the gen 7 games because they're both fucking shitIf you only want to play SM for the story, than your priorities are fucking shit. USUM make SM bearable and give you tons of content, whether you like them or not. Once again there is literally no reason to play SM over it except the story.