>>47424759Serious, non-shitpost answer.
I collect Transformers and while I have no issue with generation one or the majority of scales, legends and Masterpiece scale are for some fucking reason what third parties make everything in, and for someone that collects the roughly 7 inches on average scale that's put up on retail I'm limited only to characters that are made by the main company.
It's not that I have no access to figures for obscure UK Marvel characters, or shit from the comics, or cool new versions of long forgotten characters; I have but they are limited to a good scale that only does G1 and a shit scale that does every style and generation imaginable but fuck huge. In comparison, the retail scale does most of everything but it's limited in some areas third party companies aren't.
How does this correlate to Charizard's popularity? Well, for one, both are fueled by nostalgiafags shitting up the market with the demand with the most basic shit related to the franchise.
For every gimmick, appearance, boss fight, gachashit appearance, anime special Charizard gets, another pokemon is denied one of each because Game Freak/TPCi only have so much time to work on any of these and they have to dedicate their time to the most profitable pokemon every time to keep making as much money as they believe it's needed and Charizard is the safest pokemon to shill. And this is while other pokemon have had enough time to build nostalgia for themselves as favorites of their generation.
You didn't see Swampert or Typhlosion being shilled in gen 6 despite having enough time behind them to have kids who grew up with them as their favorites. Meanwhile, Charizard, who isn't even from Kalos, gets two fucking mega forms. Was a pokemon unique to Alola used to fly for the Poke Ride gimmick? They didn't even bother making one to use for the gimmick and just plopped random pokemon into it.
It just shows how blatantly Game Freak takes everyone who kept playing after gen 3 for granted.