>>50304246>Wait...Pokémon are stored in computers, yeah? Would that not make them Digital Monsters?Yea the pokemon series flirted with elements who fit more into digimon.
Basically when I was making up an alternative universe monster catching franchise that can only exist in a alternative timeline (because of the decisions nintendo made and canceled in our) this alternative universe franchise would be basically pokemon however with a digimon twist where the digital nature is emphasized.
No more poke balls or anything like this you would be scanning codes from mons.
The franchise would even have a Digivice thing where your mons would be stored. And as the franchise grew with time the digivices would literally technically improve.
Meaning the G1 digivices would be only able to store 6 mons and then transfer the extra code into the network to your PC. This would also explain why you can hold 6 mons and why no one walks around with more.
The G1 digivices would have you needing a PC system in a "pokemon center" to transfer your mons to your digivice.
Later generations would simply not need a PC system and you can access all your mons on your G7 digivice or whatever no need for PC transfers.
Remember the original PC box system was made because the gameboy was literally technologically limited and when you switched boxes you where literally giving instructions to the cartridge to switch memory banks.
In later games on more modern hardware this is not needed.
In this alt universes franchise there would be people running around with G1 digivices despite their limitations for some contrast and nostalgia.
>Back in my day we needed to link up to the PC network to retrieve our mons !>You kids these days !Basically this digimon pokemon fusion was made so that the most interesting aspect of monster rancher games could be realized something not possible because nintendos decisions and monster rancher basically sabotaging itself.