>>50696927Sky Attack would be good with just +1, see Meteor Beam. Increase its distribution to mons that don't have good Flying-type attacks (Landorus lmao) and it'll find use.
Skull Bash getting buffed further might actually land it some niche use, +1 def is weak but +2 is tempting, and distribution is good already.
Make Razor Wind a 100 power move with a guranteed crit. Speed increase that activates on same turn is kinda meh compared to power increases (not worth the power herb, just use rock polish or something), and the move already has a crit gimmick to be expanded on so just use that as a basis.
Future Sight is a completely different move archetype, unlike those moves above it doesn't eat up your turn since you then attack again on the same turn as Future Sight hits (or Doom Desire for that matter). It forces a reaction from the opponent, if they don't they eat two moves in one turn.
Solar Beam is already a staple on sun mons, it's a grass-type nuke with no drawbacks other than it's shit outside of sun. Don't touch it.