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3MiB, 640x360, dance-for-the-mainline-game-known-as-pokemon-go.gif
The general for all things Go/Gou/Goh from PM19/Pokémon Journeys
Party Like It's Your Franchise Edition
>1・2・3 - Satoshi & Go
https://youtu.be/-24DMtHQ7fU [Embed]
>List of Pokémon Goh has caught
>List of Goh episodes for a Goh-rewatch
>I thought Goh sucked, doesn't everyone hate him?
Loud minority, he's pretty kino.
>Didn't he catch legendaries and steal screentime from Ash?
Watch the eps yourself. Him and Ash have an even split of episodes as dual protags.
>Will Goh be in the gen 9 anime?
Who knows?
Previous Thread: >>52128676
Party Like It's Your Franchise Edition
>1・2・3 - Satoshi & Go
https://youtu.be/-24DMtHQ7fU [Embed]
>List of Pokémon Goh has caught
>List of Goh episodes for a Goh-rewatch
>I thought Goh sucked, doesn't everyone hate him?
Loud minority, he's pretty kino.
>Didn't he catch legendaries and steal screentime from Ash?
Watch the eps yourself. Him and Ash have an even split of episodes as dual protags.
>Will Goh be in the gen 9 anime?
Who knows?
Previous Thread: >>52128676