>>52286902In spat 3's SP, they go detail the story of an enclave of the best and brightest minds of the final human days who survive the disaster that wipes humanity off the map in a crater, with seafood being noted as a food source (squid/octopodes, crabs, etc). Time passes, the scientists create a dome that acts like a hologram, taking memories of the humans as base for its projections and which starts to absorb the humans' consciousness almost, to be able to shift and change at their thoughts. More years pass, kids born under the dome grow up and take the reigns of the society from their forebears and get antsy being below a crater, build a rocket and attempt to punch free of it. Rocket go boom, dome gets shattered, last vestiges of humanity die and the seafood still persists, now doused with shrapnel of the dome. It in turn causes the squids and ocotpus to migrate towards the bare land, eventually evolving into Inklings/Ocotlings.
Thing is, until they evolved into humanoid creatures, squid and octopus coexisted peacefully, but when they got up top, they started getting combative and less inclined to get along, with the two societies sequestering from each other before finally erupting into the Turf Wars. The inference is the shards of the dome had been infused with enough collective information about man and humanity, that it caused the evolution of the sea creatures, with the most intelligent evolving into the closest to humans, with all their admirable and deplorable traits.