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the absolute state of timetravelfags

No.52393420 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since retards like to spread misinformation, let me post this directly from the simplified chinese script:
>……看来我只能期待\n时光机快点被研发出来了。[VAR 0114(0027)]
>我所在的零区研究所里\n有时光机。\r\n我就是用它把古代宝可梦叫来的。[VAR 0114(000B)]
>时光机……\n也能用它到古代去吗?[VAR 0114(0008)]
>连时光机什么的都冒出来了,\n一下子增加了很多科幻感。[VAR 0114(0008)]
>我听了时光机的事后\n就一直在想……[VAR 0114(0008)]
>我妈在研究时光机的过程中\n发现的宝可梦。[VAR 0114(0006)]
>是研究时光机的过程中\n第一次从古代成功传送来的宝可梦。[VAR 0114(000B)]
>把博士本人制造的\n[VAR FF00(0006)]时光机关闭[VAR FF00(0000)]。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>时光机是博士本人和我\n二人合力开发的装置。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>此时此刻时光机也在自动地\n从古代不断呼唤着宝可梦来。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>利用太晶的力量\n制造的时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>想要关闭时光机,\n就需要使用搭载了\r\n博士ID的朱之书。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>只要把朱之书放在台座上,\n就能关闭时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>似乎只要有我在,\n时光机就不能关闭……\c\n看来我好像成了\n时光机修复系统的一部分。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>只要身为时光机一部分的\n我还在这里,\r\n时光机就不会关闭。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>所以,我想通过时光机……\c\n前往做梦都想去的古代世界。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>这并不只是为了要\n关闭时光机。[VAR 0114(000C)]
>你们关闭了时光机……\n还阻止了古代的宝可梦的失控。[VAR 0114(000A)]
>为了能把时光机\n这个厉害的东西造出来,\r\n哪有什么工夫陪孩子啊。[VAR 0114(0006)]
>咦?因为我妈造出了时光机,\n所以古代的宝可梦\r\n才会来到这里,对吧?[VAR 0114(0006)]
>在造出时光机之前的书里\n提到了古代的宝可梦,\r\n这不合理吧……?[VAR 0114(0006)]
Wanna know what all these lines have in common? The usage of 时光机, simplified chinese for TIME MACHINE. There's no time machine ban in any version of the game, all versions feature a schizo professor defending time travel that doesn't make sense with the rest of the story, just like all versions imply the so-called "time traveling pokemon" come from people's belief on cryptids.

Timetravelfags are either dishonest or ignorant, and that's why this discussion has been over since the beginning, imagination has always been the answer.