>>52844693I would've been 10/11 when this came out, and I didn't even know it existed until relatively recently.
I remember seeing M1 alot back then
Then I remember seeing M3 in the theater
Then I remember seeing M2 maybe a year after that? Also remember seeing it on TV a couple of times
The only thing I remember of M4 is an advertisement
the phase of pokemon being "uncool" was already in effect by this point
The last movie I saw before relatively recently was indeed M5, when I saw it on TV maybe in 2003?
After that, nothing.
I remember hearing about a couple of them 2nd hand but I didn't know much.
At some point I watched M2 again.
I remember seeing an advertisement for M16 during the a stream where they revealed Mewtwo Y I think. For some reason I was recording, and I promptly forgot about the recording. The memory of that trailer then got warped over time, and when I found the video again it was a trip.