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Altoshipping / General Latias love thread

No.52967642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thread #6 - Oh my God it's finally here edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC, 14 hours 20 minutes away from this post)

Will the boy finally catch Latias? Will he take her on his final journey? Soon we will find out!

What we know:
Latias will be meeting up with Ash again, and from the looks of it they will save each other from some sort of dramatic event (Again!).
Latias is very cute and would be a wonderful companion and wife.

What we don't know:
Is it the M05 Latias? Very well could be, but could also be a random one. In any case the images showcased so far seems to hint to events that happened in the movie.

Discuss any Latias related things, preferably with cute images attached!