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Koharu Thread

No.54046385 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been noticing Koharuposting and Koharu memes popping up in other character threads, and this thread seemed to work before, so I think it'll be good to revive it and see what happens with our favorite little gold-digging princess.

Post all the Koharus/Chloes you want, in all her cute outfits and more. Shipping is fine, but please don't act like assholes about it or shout down ships you dislike because, at the end of the day, it's all headcanon; the popular ones are Goukoha, Satokoha, and Hikakoha. Eevee and Yamper are acceptable with Koharus, too. Also, try not to lewd the Koharu, but I'm not holding my breath.