>>54139248>>54139284>>54139476You horrible human! Catching a Pokémon to use for something like that! I hope you get abandoned or even better arrested!
>>54140261I guess there must be some Pokémon that like it. Probably the stronger ones. I'm glad I found a trainer who takes good care of me. I spent many years as a Wild Pokémon and didn't enjoy it. I mostly stayed near towns. I'm lucky I managed to escape and hide from dangerous Pokémon for so long. So scary... I only put up with it for so long because I wanted a really specific type of trainer and life.
>>54139986>>54140028You horrible Pokémon! Using moves on your trainer! That's abuse and your trainer can get seriously hurt! I hope you get released! You are nothing like the many Lopunny I met!
Backstage in the Contest Halls Pokémon Coordinators and their Pokémon can hang out together. Me and the other Pokémon in the Cute category sometimes get petted by the Pokémon of the other categories and sometimes their trainers too. For some reason, the Pokémon in the Beautiful category do this the most and even hug us. Most of us appreciate it. Also for some reason, the Pokémon in the Beautiful category usually seem to be the same few species such as Gardevoir, Lopunny, Milotic and more and usually are female.
>>54140407>>54142080Me and my teammates eat from plates sitting at the table just like our trainer does. One time back when I was my trainer's only Pokémon someone else had to take care of me for a little bit. I don't remember who but I remember they tried to get me to eat from a bowl on the floor. I went to the cupboard, used my limited telekinesis to float a plate out of it then floated the food out of the bowl and onto the plate. Then I sat at a chair, floated the plate of food onto the table and began eating. You should have seen that human's reaction to silently watching me do all that. I ate at the table the rest of the time I was there after that.