>>54180658They're not exact opposites but most of them are contrary in some way
>Lonely vs. BoldLonely meaning reclusive vs outgoing
>Adamant vs. ModestStubborn and won't back down vs unassuming and not wanting to play up their abilities
>Naughty vs. CalmGets up to mischief vs just chilling
>Brave vs. TimidLiterally antonyms
>Impish vs. MildSee Naughty and Calm
>Lax vs. GentleNot really opposites, I'll admit
>Relaxed vs. HastyLiterally antonyms
>Rash vs. CarefulLiterally antonyms
>Quiet vs. JollyNot making much noise vs being upbeat and probably noisy
>Sassy vs. NaiveBit of a stretch but spirited and cheeky vs not world-wise and innocent do kind of contrast
Like I said, they're not exact opposites but they do contrast with each other.