>>54319658Yes but he uses perscriptions.
You don't get to be a publicly employed Channeler/Gym leader/E4 member if you do abuse drugs.
You can ocassionally hear him lamenting on not being permitted to dump the role on someone else so he can become a Fire type specialist instead.
Anyway back to the topic of type e ergy.
Apparently Humans had a comon ancestor with the Medicham line and thus have 2 energy reserves that can fill with random type energy, some inherited some gajned through deliberately training as a type specialist.
Essentially humans gain a type but with heavy side effects to their mental state and physical health.
Ghost type specialists are often sleep deprived due to their senses going haywire via Ghost type energy and are fond of pranks.
Fire type specialists... Male ones go bald and sterile without proper guidance and women run the risk of spontanuosly combusting during childbirth without the same specialized training.
They also tend to emmit heat and bursts of fire while being particularly emotional hence it's deemed the most dangerous type specialty.
Flying type specialists like Lance (lol) tend to be extremely precise but develop OCD and an extremely competitive nature (perfect for a bureaucrat/cop).
Water type specialists tend to develop great looks, athletic ability and some form of healing abilities but are constantly moody.
Beware of dating a female water type specialist tho.
They are on a constantly hormonal state that tends to drive them to want to give birth to more children.
Psychological counseling is advised.
Dark type specialists are... Well edgy and constantly brooding while trying to styme their violent impulses.
They are disciplined tho and as stated above tend to make great cops and social workers.
Ground type specialists are greedy fucks hence why you fon't see many leagues allowing them to run gyms or for e4 members.
The only ones currently permitted are also Steel and Water type specialists.