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Please close this board

No.54458799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's time, it's not working anymore.

Since 2019, when the depths of this board's autism became known to most of the normies, we've been hit with raid after raid after raid of pathetic little schoolchildren who don't want this place to ever have fulfilling discussion. They organized themselves, and spend their time planning to instigate flamewars and encouraging the worst behavior this board is capable of.

We've become better at recognizing it recently, but now the old style of raiding has stopped being fun and no longer appeals to the whims of the literal children terrorizing this board, they've grown into their edgy phase. They're finding clearance sale quality gore and posting it just enough to both discourage visitors and evade hard bans. Judging from their previous patterns, they'll escalate until it's ignored, but gore on a blue board is difficult to not be incensed by. This place is going to get worse and worse and we'll end up worse than /b/.

It's become abundantly clear, through the dramatically declining happiness in this board's overall population, and the increase in organized attempts to provoke the board en masse, that the ones making this board miserable would be more put out by the closure of this board than the people who have tried to keep some sense of autistic normalcy in the face of it.

I don't know who on the staff has the ability to just close this place forever, but please consider it, this needs to stop for good.