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ITT post your Pokémon hot takes.

No.54543341 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No need to read the OP if you don’t want to, you can just get straight to ranting about whatever it is you want, but I gotta get this off my chest.

Mons with lower BSTs were good for the game design if you consider Pokémon games RPGs and not a PvP simulator. I’m sick of compfags saying every Mon needs to have a 500+ bst. Games like RSE limit players to largely low BST options for most of the game and they’re literally all the more fun for it, it literally feels balanced. Mons like Mightyena work because it evolves early enough to be a mid-game powerhouse. I wouldn’t even mind compfags having this opinion if it weren’t for the fact that gamefreak clearly heard them and changed the games accordingly. Now we get stuff like Flamigo and early route mons that have 480+ BSTs before level 20. This, combined with the fact the mons will have 80+ BP moves by their 20s now, utterly kills the sense of power progression in the single player. It’s just lame.